Qanon = Muh Russia

in #american5 years ago

The famous videos of Trump haters losing their minds while the world watches is simply the most comedic example of a larger phenomenon, large portions of our country are losing their minds and we are all watching in some way. Across the country large segments have simply lost touch with reality have had a psychotic break and retreated into fantasy. On an individual level when dealing with one’s own life this is called madness. On a group level dealing with the public good this is called politics. But a psychotic break with reality and a retreat into comforting fantasy is never good no matter what you choose to call it. And that is what has happened. Reality has become too much for some people and so they are simply rejecting its existence. It is being called politics, it should be called madness.

The most obvious outward manifestation of this break with reality is the Muh Russia phenomenon. At first I thought the liberals themselves couldn’t truly believe in it, it all had to be a political ploy. And then the great hope of the Mueller Report dashed on the rocks of reality as on page two it clearly says no collusion was found. It was only then that I realized just how far gone the liberals truly were. Because even after the Mueller Report itself found no collusion they still believed. On the other side of the political spectrum is the Qanon Hoax, equally mad. Page two of the Mueller Report, the page where it says no collusion is found, is an easy way of disproving Muh Russia. Disproving Qanon is simply to point to almost any of his text burps on the internet. And yet both hoaxes still have their faithful. And both are the same thing, Qanon = Muh Russia. The political sides are different but the madness is the same. It is the same psychotic break with reality and the same retreat into comforting fantasy. Because Qanon = Muh Russia.

What is the painful reality that can’t be lived with and what is the comforting illusion? Qanon = Muh Russia so it is the same for both. The painful reality is that we have to change, a turning point has arrived. The comforting illusion is that we don’t have to change, we will be saved by a super scandal. The political opponent on the other side of the spectrum will be revealed to have broken universally accepted norms and their supporters will then have to admit and accept defeat. The super scandal will so shame one’s political opponents that they will be defeated by shame itself and by the revulsion the super scandal causes among all. With the political opponent now done away with due to the super scandal one’s own side is now victorious, but more importantly, one’s own side does not need to change. One’s own side can stay the same forever. This Peter Pan fantasy of never needing to change is the heart of the super scandal fantasy. What makes the super scandal fantasy so comforting is that it does away with the dreaded need for change. The super scandal always involves a violation of existing norms and ideal and values. Whether its Trump taking orders from Putin or Hillary in a child dungeon the super scandal always involves a violation of existing norms. Nothing new is needed, no change is required. People already think the President shouldn’t take orders from Putin. People already think child dungeons are wrong. None of this is new. This is the heart of the super scandal fantasy. This is what makes the super scandal the most psychologically telling aspect of current political culture. The dream is that change is unnecessary. The super scandal always involves the opponent being caught doing something that people already think is wrong. No one needs to be convinced. No one needs to change.

One way to get what you what is to talk to people like an adult and come to agreement. Apparently no one does this anymore. Instead we will get what we want with proof that those we disagree with have violated existing and universally accepted norms. No one needs to be talked to, no one needs to think or talk or debate. Just present the secret video of Hillary in a child dungeon. Once people see the video they will recognize that Hillary has violated universally accepted norms and her side will be defeated without the need for discussion. No one will have to have a discussion, we will not have to talk to each other like adults, the video will do away with all that. This is what makes the super scandal a comforting illusion. Except there is no secret video because it never happened, Qanon is a hoax.

Someday it will happen, someday Mueller will finish his report and prove that Trump takes orders from Putin. Everyone is against that, except maybe Putin himself. Once Mueller finishes his report and shows the proof that Trump takes orders from Putin it will all be over. No need to sit down and talk to people you disagree with. No need to act like adults and have a conversation on the subjects you disagree about. Talking to people you disagree with is scary. They might just say something that makes your version of the world fall apart. It could happen so easily. And just talking to them means treating them like they’re human too. But they’re not, they don’t vote for Democrats so they are not human. See, it’s so easy. But how are you going to get those people who are different from you to go along if you never talk to them, never treat them like human beings? The super scandal will save you. The recorded phone call of Trump taking orders from Putin, that will take care of everything. Except it never happened, Muh Russia is a hoax.

The dream of a super scandal which will magically solve our problems permeates our contemporary political life. The infantile behavior of the Democrats during the Kavanaugh hearings is an obvious example. The Democrats disagree with the Republicans on certain points. Fine, this happens in life and there is a way to deal with these things. Sit down and talk about it like adults. Nope, gotta go the super scandal route. Maniacally claim Kavanaugh violated existing and universally accepted norms. Make bizarre claims about him committing crimes against people he was never in the same room with before the confirmation hearings. The Democrats had a psychotic break with reality because reality was too painful and they sought mental refuge in a comforting fantasy. The painful reality is the need for change and the comforting reality is that a super scandal involving your opponents will do away with any need for change and allow you to stay the same forever. And so the bizarre claim that Kavanaugh had forced sex with a locomotive.

The pattern is always the same, reality is too painful to bear. The individual has a psychotic break with this reality and creates an alternate and fanciful version in his own mind. This fantasy version of life comforts him and he prefers to stay inside this fantasy world inside in his own mind no matter the cost he bears from his madness. This is delusional psychosis when it happens to an individual. When it happens to millions of people at once its called politics. The signature feature of today’s American politics is this break from painful reality and retreat into comforting fantasy. The painful reality is always the same. If you are a Republican it is the same. If you are a Democrat it is the same. The painful reality is the need for change. The comforting fantasy is the super scandal. And so Qanon = Muh Russia.

The 60s never worked. I’m taking about the real 60s, the one that started with the Moynihan Report in 1965. I am not saying the 60s did not work to denigrate the Civil Rights movement, which ran roughly from 1952 to 1964 and culminated in the Civil Rights Act. The most important parts of the Civil Rights era happened in the 50s. It was mostly a 50s phenomenon. It was support from Eisenhower that made it possible. Eisenhower would nationalize the National Guard units any time a governor tried to use them to suppress the Civil Rights movement and would send the 82nd Airborne into places like Little Rock to militarily enforce rights. This is what allowed the Civil Rights movements to succeed where earlier attempts had failed. The Civil Rights movement was good. And the years 1960 to 1964 were good. The real 60s was after the Moynihan Report. The years 1965 to 1970 were not good. The 60s did not work, they left vast mistakes and failures behind that this country has never tried to correct. The bills from the 60s have gone unpaid, but they cannot go unpaid forever. Latinx immigration makes questions that could previously be ignored unavoidable. The world has changed and we must change too. We must finally pay the bill.

From the 60s to the present represents just one cycle in the super cycle of history that started on Halloween, 1517. We are in the Protestant super cycle of history and that is coming to an end. We are coming to the end of an entire way of doing things and five hundreds years of habitual behavior won’t be easy to give up. But the whole world has changed and this super cycle of history must end. This need for change is so painful for some that they view a psychotic break as the only answer.

The basic issue left over from the 60s is Black poverty. This is an unpaid bill that cannot be ignored forever. Latinx immigration swells the numbers of the poor minorities to the point where soon they will be the poor majorities. Demographic change means this unpaid bill from the 60s must be paid. The question has always been the extent to which culture determines economic success and through what aspects of culture. Currently in the US Blacks make roughly 30% less than average, the numbers are similar in Europe and the numbers are similar for the native minorities in Australia and New Zealand. In Latin America Blacks make 50% less than whites, as the ratio of whites to Blacks varies so widely across Latin American countries this direct comparison is more useful than the difference from the average. That Blacks are poorer than whites in every country they both live in is universally known, the question is why and what to do about it.

In 1965 the world changed. The Moynihan Report came out and the world learned America’s weakness. The Protestants view Blacks as the test case for their religion and want their religion to take over the world. For this purpose they will shield the Blacks from criticism. Daniel Moynihan aka the Last Good Democrat proposed in 1965 that strengthening the Black family should be made the country’s number one priority and every government department must deliver to the public a yearly report detailing how its policies strengthen or weaken the Black family. A madman, he had to be stopped. The National Council of Churches, the foremost representative of mainline Protestantism in this country led the attack and he was fired from the Johnson Administration and was exiled from the Democrat party. A Catholic, Moynihan did not know where the invisible lines are. But now the whole world knew where the line was, the people who control America, the white Protestants, will shield Blacks from any criticism which is an obstacle to a worldwide religious takeover. And so the real 60s started. If the 60s ever did end it was in 2016 when Trump became President.

During the 60s the wet clay was shaped and hardened. The premier issue is Black poverty which the Democrats want to solve with the importation of European Social Democracy. The Democrats have no plan other than turning America into Europe. The Republicans passively oppose and delay this. They cannot actively oppose it without addressing the issue of Black poverty in terms which would be an obstacle to a Protestant takeover. They cannot discuss it in the terms Moynihan used, they can not propose his solutions. They must passively oppose and delay the Democrats while hoping the time they buy will give almighty God time to save them with faith. For the Protestants hope is a strategy.

But painful reality intrudes and smashes the clay that was formed in the past. The entire plan of the Democratic Party is to copy European social policies in the belief this will give the US the same social statistics. But the social statistics for US whites are mostly the same as European whites. Same amount of crime, poverty and illness. To the extent that European social statistics are better it is to the extent that Europe is whiter. The Democrats got it wrong. Copying European social policies will not give the US European social statistics. To achieve that we would have to copy European demographics. Specifically we would have to be as white as Europe. The first US census was in 1790 and the country was 19% Black. We have always been less white than Europe, this is the real cause of the gap in social statistics. Brazil is even less white than America and they are even farther away from European social statistics. Australia is closer to European social statistics and I will give you three guesses why.

The American Left’s dream of solving what are really cultural problems with social policies can not survive. Europe has imported vast quantities of third worlders, they are chasing our demographics. The decline in their standard of living resulting from this is obvious and proportional to how unwhite each European country has become. Iceland is as good as ever and Sweden is sinking fast. The question has been answered, giving American Blacks European social policies will not fix their problems with crime, poverty and illness as they have those same problems in Europe, where they have the very same social policies the Democrats dream of bringing to America. Painful reality is intruding. The whole platform of the Democrat Party is to fix the pivotal issue of Black poverty with European social policies. But the whole world already knows that’s not the answer. This is the painful reality causing so many Democrats to retreat into comforting fantasies.

The Moynihan Report in 1965 revealed America’s weakness, the Protestants who run it will make any sacrifice to preserve the chances of a worldwide religious takeover. Attacking this weakness has become the ingrained habit of the left. No, its more than a habit, its an addiction. The Protestant need to shield the Blacks they converted from criticism turns white Americans into the world’s perfect enemy. The gay marriage obsession just made things worse. So if two gay dudes play house together the world will end? If two gay dudes play house together all straight marriages will be ruined? The absurd positions Protestants take for religious reasons make them ideal enemies. They can be attacked endlessly without the attacker being viewed as a bully to the weak. They can be attacked endlessly without the attacker having to give a rational explanation as to why, without having to make any coherent justification of his attack. The religious nature of the motives for the political policies of the Protestants who run this country make their defenses of these policies incoherent in political terms. A religious argument is only coherent and intelligent in the religious sphere. When religion enters into politics all explanations for policies become incoherent and unintelligent. This turns mainstream America into the ideal target for abuse, the world’s perfect enemy. The American left is addicted to this like a drug. The ease of attacking mainstream America is so addictive that they can’t stop.

The problem is what happens if you win? What happens when you beat this ideal enemy and his incoherent arguments? Yes, the Democrats have won. Just like they want we are forbidden to say cultural change is the answer to Black poverty, it is forbidden. And yes, Black poverty is a serious issue and they make less than average. But Jews make 55% more than average and Asians 19% more than average. What happens when you win? What happens when you win and force people to say we should all be making the same amount? What happens when you win and take control of all policies directed at improving social conditions and the social conditions never improve? And what if the Europe you idealize stops seeming so ideal when it becomes multiracial? Those geniuses can’t even get different kinds of white people to like each other. What are they going to do with the Somalis?

The problem with the Democrats attacking the perfect enemy, mainstream America, is what happens when you win? It is now legal in every state for two gay dudes to play house together. What happens when you win? You can’t bully mainstream America on gay marriage any more because gay marriage won. Stop bullying people or move the goal posts? Move the goal posts. Now its trans rights. A man in a wig is a woman. Let the woman(man in wig) play sports, use the ladies room and break through that cotton ceiling. What happens when you win Democrats? A junkie needs his fix. When the Democrats win their addiction to attacking mainstream Americans and their bakeries forces them to reach for the needle again. And so we get trans rights and God knows what comes after that. The Moynihan Report was the turning point and turned mainstream white America into the world’s punching bag. But what happens when you win? The answer is you keep going, you go on and on past the point of absurdity. The Democrats are fighting a war against mainstream America and the war is winning. The Democrats have become addicted to this to the point where they will say a man in a wig is a woman. If you will say that what won’t you say?

Things are coming to an end for the way of life the Democrats entered into in 1965. They can’t keep living this way forever. The dream that monoracial Europe had the answer to multiracial America’s problems ended when Europe became multiracial Europe. These are people who think the difference between being Scottish and English is too much to allow peaceful coexistence in one country. How will they live with the Somali? We all know the answer. The basic plan of the left in this country is being exposed as a fraud by modern Europe because the basic plan of the left in this country is to turn it into Europe to fix our multiracial problems. This plan is being exposed everyday.

Things are coming to an end for the way of life for the Democrats because if you win and force people to say all ethnic groups should rightfully make the same income, what do you say about the Jews? You know, the people who donate 70% of the Democrats funds. The people who run the party. How do you oppose hatred against Jews and Asians that is based on grounds which the Democrats say justify hatred of whites? In the Rodney King riots the Blacks killed thirty whites and fifty Koreans. It wasn’t even legal for Koreans to move to this country until 1965, so what are the Blacks mad about? Slavery? All the slave plantations the Koreans owned? They are mad at Koreans for the same reason they are mad at whites, they hate anyone who makes more money than they do. The Democrat plan is to tear this country apart but they are part of this country. They will tear themselves apart first.

Things are coming to an end for the Democrats because what happens when you win? Gay marriage is legal, what do yo do now? Turn the whole Olympics into men in wigs. Turn Miss America into men in wigs. Break down the cotton ceiling the TERFs built. Things are coming to an end because they are so addicted to outraging mainstream Americans and their bakeries they will do anything to keep this addiction fed, they support any sort of disgust tolerance. This can’t go on forever. The public can feel it. Its a car heading for a brick wall and the driver is wearing a wig. That wig won’t help.

The signature trait of the Republican Party since the Moynihan Report changed the world is passive avoidance and resistance to social issues. This passive resistance requires numbers, it requires a majority and that majority is slipping away. The Protestants run the country and they run the Republican Party as if it was their monopoly. They will not allow any discussion of ideas and solutions which are an obstacle to Luther’s version of salvation by faith alone from taking over the world. I say Luther’s version as they are many and this concept predates the invention of salvation by works by the Zoroastrians prior to the start of Judaism. As the Republicans will not allow any discussion of ideas involving agency and the civilized advance beyond primitive forms and deny the basic principles of Western Civilization they are incapable of any discussion regarding the role culture plays in Black poverty. As a result of being voluntary mutes they can only oppose the Democrats on social issues passively. And this requires numbers. Numbers they soon won’t have. Trump temporarily delayed the start of the Democrat’s Thousand Year Administration by dropping Lazy Fairy economics and supporting union workers in trade deals. This expanded his voter base and pushed back the year when it is no longer possible for the Republicans to ever win the White House again. But no other Republican has followed his lead, the rest of them love the Lazy Fairy as much as ever. The Latinx immigrants keep coming and the Republicans ability to passively avoid social issues shrinks with each immigrant. But don’t worry, Qanon will save us.

The Evangelicals took over the Republican Party in the 90s. You might call it a Southern takeover, its really the same thing. This takeover failed. The mid term elections of 1994 marked the official start of the Southern version of the Republican Party. By 1996 it had committed suicide with the Defense of Marriage Act. They only had two good years. Making two gay dudes playing house together the only crime in America that was double illegal was the best thing that ever happened to the American Left and to the Democrat Party. They are addicted to abusing mainstream Americans and their bakeries, it is a drug to them. Gay Marriage was the most potent version of this drug and woe be to the bakery that stood in their way. The Evangelicals were supposed to save the Republican Party from the shrinking ratio of white to Latinx voters by getting the Latinx voters to switch to the Republicans on family issues. But only people brainwashed for centuries on salvation by faith alone think stopping two gay dudes from playing house together is going to help a dude and a chick play house together better. The circle of people who actually believe gay marriage affects straight marriage is limited to the Evangelicals themselves. They gained no Latinx votes with gay marriage and never will. The Bush family of idiots say they had their own way of getting Latinx voters, they will speak Spanish and let them all in. They will stand on the border shouting yee haw, its a Mexican Stampede! And cheer on every immigrant until the force of their enthusiasm turns them into Republicans. Did not work. No plan concocted by people as stupid as the Bushes ever works. But don’t worry, Qanon will save us.

If making gay marriage double illegal doesn’t work what about wars? Lots of them. That will work, people love war. And so the Bush family decided to invade every country in the world that doesn’t use toilet paper. Because people love wars, all that flag waving and patriotism. Except no plan concocted by people as stupid as the Bushes ever works. Because people hate war, they hate it a lot. Don’t worry, the Evangelicals have a plan. They will say either you support the Bush Wars or you are not a patriot, your choice. The millennials chose to not be patriots. Those Evangelicals, they are so smart. Next they said you oppose gay marriage or you are not a Christian. So smart, those Evangelicals. Because this tactic of theirs always works, right? Actually no. In my lifetime whenever the Evangelicals give the rest of the country the my way or the highway choice they choose the highway. And so the millennials decided to not be Christians. An entire generation was lost. But don’t worry, Qanon will save us.

Latinx immigration changes things. The Thousand Year Administration the Democrats dream of would have started in 2016 except Donald Trump did something no other Republican was capable of doing, he changed. He dropped Lazy Fairy economics from the party’s ten commandments and expanded the voter base to include union workers. This change let him put off the Thousand Year Administration by at least eight years. If other Republicans will do the unthinkable and change their positions then the competitive balance between the Republicans and Democrats will never end. I have doubts as to whether any Republican other than Trump is smart enough to know this, my hope lies with a third party. A slim hope, obviously. But Trump did recognize that change is needed. The Republicans can’t win with their old formulas and by passively avoiding social issues. And so Trump changed. But in doing so he threatened an addict with going cold turkey. He threatened an addict with the end of his supply. The left in this country is so addicted to abusing mainstream Americans and their bakeries that what Trump did led to a psychotic break. Republicans are supposed to be the world’s perfect enemy and never fight back. Trump is not the perfect enemy, he fights back. But he does something even more upsetting to this opponents, he changes. He dropped Lazy Fairy economics. Unlike every other Republican politician he doubts the need to invade every single country in the world that doesn’t use toilet paper. This flexibility on the part of Trump is what tears the minds of his opponents apart. Republicans, mainstream Americans and also bakeries are supposed to be easy targets. They are not supposed to defend themselves, they are not supposed to dodge the bullets and react and improve their response. They are supposed to be stationary targets. When Trump moved it led to a psychotic break with reality for all those addicted to attacking mainstream Americans and their bakeries. It led to a psychotic break and a retreat into a comforting illusion of Muh Russia. The super scandal that will save us all.

Both extreme ends of the political spectrum are currently in a break from reality. It is worse for the left. Muh Russia is bigger than Qanon. But Qanon is more harmful. The Democrats can recover from Muh Russia, but can the Republicans recover from Speaker of the House Paul Ryan killing the border wall during the last time the Republicans are ever likely to control both houses of Congress and the White House, things which have to be in place for the border wall? Qanon has fewer believers than Muh Russia but Qanon did more harm. The passivity encouraged by the Qanon hoax killed the border wall and killed the Republican Party’s relevance once Trump is term limited out of office. Both these hoaxes are the same, a psychotic break with painful reality and a retreat into a comforting fantasy. The painful reality is always the same, the need for change. The comforting fantasy is always the same, a super scandal will save us and we can avoid change forever. I ask the reader, can anyone but the dead avoid change?

The famous videos of Trump haters losing their minds while the world watches is simply the most comedic example of a larger phenomenon, large portions of our country are losing their minds and we are all watching in some way. Across the country large segments have simply lost touch with reality have had a psychotic break and retreated into fantasy. On an individual level when dealing with one’s own life this is called madness. On a group level dealing with the public good this is called politics. But a psychotic break with reality and a retreat into comforting fantasy is never good no matter what you choose to call it. And that is what has happened. Reality has become too much for some people and so they are simply rejecting its existence. It is being called politics, it should be called madness.

The most obvious outward manifestation of this break with reality is the Muh Russia phenomenon. At first I thought the liberals themselves couldn’t truly believe in it, it all had to be a political ploy. And then the great hope of the Mueller Report dashed on the rocks of reality as on page two it clearly says no collusion was found. It was only then that I realized just how far gone the liberals truly were. Because even after the Mueller Report itself found no collusion they still believed. On the other side of the political spectrum is the Qanon Hoax, equally mad. Page two of the Mueller Report, the page where it says no collusion is found, is an easy way of disproving Muh Russia. Disproving Qanon is simply to point to almost any of his text burps on the internet. And yet both hoaxes still have their faithful. And both are the same thing, Qanon = Muh Russia. The political sides are different but the madness is the same. It is the same psychotic break with reality and the same retreat into comforting fantasy. Because Qanon = Muh Russia.

What is the painful reality that can’t be lived with and what is the comforting illusion? Qanon = Muh Russia so it is the same for both. The painful reality is that we have to change, a turning point has arrived. The comforting illusion is that we don’t have to change, we will be saved by a super scandal. The political opponent on the other side of the spectrum will be revealed to have broken universally accepted norms and their supporters will then have to admit and accept defeat. The super scandal will so shame one’s political opponents that they will be defeated by shame itself and by the revulsion the super scandal causes among all. With the political opponent now done away with due to the super scandal one’s own side is now victorious, but more importantly, one’s own side does not need to change. One’s own side can stay the same forever. This Peter Pan fantasy of never needing to change is the heart of the super scandal fantasy. What makes the super scandal fantasy so comforting is that it does away with the dreaded need for change. The super scandal always involves a violation of existing norms and ideal and values. Whether its Trump taking orders from Putin or Hillary in a child dungeon the super scandal always involves a violation of existing norms. Nothing new is needed, no change is required. People already think the President shouldn’t take orders from Putin. People already think child dungeons are wrong. None of this is new. This is the heart of the super scandal fantasy. This is what makes the super scandal the most psychologically telling aspect of current political culture. The dream is that change is unnecessary. The super scandal always involves the opponent being caught doing something that people already think is wrong. No one needs to be convinced. No one needs to change.

One way to get what you what is to talk to people like an adult and come to agreement. Apparently no one does this anymore. Instead we will get what we want with proof that those we disagree with have violated existing and universally accepted norms. No one needs to be talked to, no one needs to think or talk or debate. Just present the secret video of Hillary in a child dungeon. Once people see the video they will recognize that Hillary has violated universally accepted norms and her side will be defeated without the need for discussion. No one will have to have a discussion, we will not have to talk to each other like adults, the video will do away with all that. This is what makes the super scandal a comforting illusion. Except there is no secret video because it never happened, Qanon is a hoax.

Someday it will happen, someday Mueller will finish his report and prove that Trump takes orders from Putin. Everyone is against that, except maybe Putin himself. Once Mueller finishes his report and shows the proof that Trump takes orders from Putin it will all be over. No need to sit down and talk to people you disagree with. No need to act like adults and have a conversation on the subjects you disagree about. Talking to people you disagree with is scary. They might just say something that makes your version of the world fall apart. It could happen so easily. And just talking to them means treating them like they’re human too. But they’re not, they don’t vote for Democrats so they are not human. See, it’s so easy. But how are you going to get those people who are different from you to go along if you never talk to them, never treat them like human beings? The super scandal will save you. The recorded phone call of Trump taking orders from Putin, that will take care of everything. Except it never happened, Muh Russia is a hoax.

The dream of a super scandal which will magically solve our problems permeates our contemporary political life. The infantile behavior of the Democrats during the Kavanaugh hearings is an obvious example. The Democrats disagree with the Republicans on certain points. Fine, this happens in life and there is a way to deal with these things. Sit down and talk about it like adults. Nope, gotta go the super scandal route. Maniacally claim Kavanaugh violated existing and universally accepted norms. Make bizarre claims about him committing crimes against people he was never in the same room with before the confirmation hearings. The Democrats had a psychotic break with reality because reality was too painful and they sought mental refuge in a comforting fantasy. The painful reality is the need for change and the comforting reality is that a super scandal involving your opponents will do away with any need for change and allow you to stay the same forever. And so the bizarre claim that Kavanaugh had forced sex with a locomotive.

The pattern is always the same, reality is too painful to bear. The individual has a psychotic break with this reality and creates an alternate and fanciful version in his own mind. This fantasy version of life comforts him and he prefers to stay inside this fantasy world inside in his own mind no matter the cost he bears from his madness. This is delusional psychosis when it happens to an individual. When it happens to millions of people at once its called politics. The signature feature of today’s American politics is this break from painful reality and retreat into comforting fantasy. The painful reality is always the same. If you are a Republican it is the same. If you are a Democrat it is the same. The painful reality is the need for change. The comforting fantasy is the super scandal. And so Qanon = Muh Russia.

The 60s never worked. I’m taking about the real 60s, the one that started with the Moynihan Report in 1965. I am not saying the 60s did not work to denigrate the Civil Rights movement, which ran roughly from 1952 to 1964 and culminated in the Civil Rights Act. The most important parts of the Civil Rights era happened in the 50s. It was mostly a 50s phenomenon. It was support from Eisenhower that made it possible. Eisenhower would nationalize the National Guard units any time a governor tried to use them to suppress the Civil Rights movement and would send the 82nd Airborne into places like Little Rock to militarily enforce rights. This is what allowed the Civil Rights movements to succeed where earlier attempts had failed. The Civil Rights movement was good. And the years 1960 to 1964 were good. The real 60s was after the Moynihan Report. The years 1965 to 1970 were not good. The 60s did not work, they left vast mistakes and failures behind that this country has never tried to correct. The bills from the 60s have gone unpaid, but they cannot go unpaid forever. Latinx immigration makes questions that could previously be ignored unavoidable. The world has changed and we must change too. We must finally pay the bill.

From the 60s to the present represents just one cycle in the super cycle of history that started on Halloween, 1517. We are in the Protestant super cycle of history and that is coming to an end. We are coming to the end of an entire way of doing things and five hundreds years of habitual behavior won’t be easy to give up. But the whole world has changed and this super cycle of history must end. This need for change is so painful for some that they view a psychotic break as the only answer.

The basic issue left over from the 60s is Black poverty. This is an unpaid bill that cannot be ignored forever. Latinx immigration swells the numbers of the poor minorities to the point where soon they will be the poor majorities. Demographic change means this unpaid bill from the 60s must be paid. The question has always been the extent to which culture determines economic success and through what aspects of culture. Currently in the US Blacks make roughly 30% less than average, the numbers are similar in Europe and the numbers are similar for the native minorities in Australia and New Zealand. In Latin America Blacks make 50% less than whites, as the ratio of whites to Blacks varies so widely across Latin American countries this direct comparison is more useful than the difference from the average. That Blacks are poorer than whites in every country they both live in is universally known, the question is why and what to do about it.

In 1965 the world changed. The Moynihan Report came out and the world learned America’s weakness. The Protestants view Blacks as the test case for their religion and want their religion to take over the world. For this purpose they will shield the Blacks from criticism. Daniel Moynihan aka the Last Good Democrat proposed in 1965 that strengthening the Black family should be made the country’s number one priority and every government department must deliver to the public a yearly report detailing how its policies strengthen or weaken the Black family. A madman, he had to be stopped. The National Council of Churches, the foremost representative of mainline Protestantism in this country led the attack and he was fired from the Johnson Administration and was exiled from the Democrat party. A Catholic, Moynihan did not know where the invisible lines are. But now the whole world knew where the line was, the people who control America, the white Protestants, will shield Blacks from any criticism which is an obstacle to a worldwide religious takeover. And so the real 60s started. If the 60s ever did end it was in 2016 when Trump became President.

During the 60s the wet clay was shaped and hardened. The premier issue is Black poverty which the Democrats want to solve with the importation of European Social Democracy. The Democrats have no plan other than turning America into Europe. The Republicans passively oppose and delay this. They cannot actively oppose it without addressing the issue of Black poverty in terms which would be an obstacle to a Protestant takeover. They cannot discuss it in the terms Moynihan used, they can not propose his solutions. They must passively oppose and delay the Democrats while hoping the time they buy will give almighty God time to save them with faith. For the Protestants hope is a strategy.

But painful reality intrudes and smashes the clay that was formed in the past. The entire plan of the Democratic Party is to copy European social policies in the belief this will give the US the same social statistics. But the social statistics for US whites are mostly the same as European whites. Same amount of crime, poverty and illness. To the extent that European social statistics are better it is to the extent that Europe is whiter. The Democrats got it wrong. Copying European social policies will not give the US European social statistics. To achieve that we would have to copy European demographics. Specifically we would have to be as white as Europe. The first US census was in 1790 and the country was 19% Black. We have always been less white than Europe, this is the real cause of the gap in social statistics. Brazil is even less white than America and they are even farther away from European social statistics. Australia is closer to European social statistics and I will give you three guesses why.

The American Left’s dream of solving what are really cultural problems with social policies can not survive. Europe has imported vast quantities of third worlders, they are chasing our demographics. The decline in their standard of living resulting from this is obvious and proportional to how unwhite each European country has become. Iceland is as good as ever and Sweden is sinking fast. The question has been answered, giving American Blacks European social policies will not fix their problems with crime, poverty and illness as they have those same problems in Europe, where they have the very same social policies the Democrats dream of bringing to America. Painful reality is intruding. The whole platform of the Democrat Party is to fix the pivotal issue of Black poverty with European social policies. But the whole world already knows that’s not the answer. This is the painful reality causing so many Democrats to retreat into comforting fantasies.

The Moynihan Report in 1965 revealed America’s weakness, the Protestants who run it will make any sacrifice to preserve the chances of a worldwide religious takeover. Attacking this weakness has become the ingrained habit of the left. No, its more than a habit, its an addiction. The Protestant need to shield the Blacks they converted from criticism turns white Americans into the world’s perfect enemy. The gay marriage obsession just made things worse. So if two gay dudes play house together the world will end? If two gay dudes play house together all straight marriages will be ruined? The absurd positions Protestants take for religious reasons make them ideal enemies. They can be attacked endlessly without the attacker being viewed as a bully to the weak. They can be attacked endlessly without the attacker having to give a rational explanation as to why, without having to make any coherent justification of his attack. The religious nature of the motives for the political policies of the Protestants who run this country make their defenses of these policies incoherent in political terms. A religious argument is only coherent and intelligent in the religious sphere. When religion enters into politics all explanations for policies become incoherent and unintelligent. This turns mainstream America into the ideal target for abuse, the world’s perfect enemy. The American left is addicted to this like a drug. The ease of attacking mainstream America is so addictive that they can’t stop.

The problem is what happens if you win? What happens when you beat this ideal enemy and his incoherent arguments? Yes, the Democrats have won. Just like they want we are forbidden to say cultural change is the answer to Black poverty, it is forbidden. And yes, Black poverty is a serious issue and they make less than average. But Jews make 55% more than average and Asians 19% more than average. What happens when you win? What happens when you win and force people to say we should all be making the same amount? What happens when you win and take control of all policies directed at improving social conditions and the social conditions never improve? And what if the Europe you idealize stops seeming so ideal when it becomes multiracial? Those geniuses can’t even get different kinds of white people to like each other. What are they going to do with the Somalis?

The problem with the Democrats attacking the perfect enemy, mainstream America, is what happens when you win? It is now legal in every state for two gay dudes to play house together. What happens when you win? You can’t bully mainstream America on gay marriage any more because gay marriage won. Stop bullying people or move the goal posts? Move the goal posts. Now its trans rights. A man in a wig is a woman. Let the woman(man in wig) play sports, use the ladies room and break through that cotton ceiling. What happens when you win Democrats? A junkie needs his fix. When the Democrats win their addiction to attacking mainstream Americans and their bakeries forces them to reach for the needle again. And so we get trans rights and God knows what comes after that. The Moynihan Report was the turning point and turned mainstream white America into the world’s punching bag. But what happens when you win? The answer is you keep going, you go on and on past the point of absurdity. The Democrats are fighting a war against mainstream America and the war is winning. The Democrats have become addicted to this to the point where they will say a man in a wig is a woman. If you will say that what won’t you say?

Things are coming to an end for the way of life the Democrats entered into in 1965. They can’t keep living this way forever. The dream that monoracial Europe had the answer to multiracial America’s problems ended when Europe became multiracial Europe. These are people who think the difference between being Scottish and English is too much to allow peaceful coexistence in one country. How will they live with the Somali? We all know the answer. The basic plan of the left in this country is being exposed as a fraud by modern Europe because the basic plan of the left in this country is to turn it into Europe to fix our multiracial problems. This plan is being exposed everyday.

Things are coming to an end for the way of life for the Democrats because if you win and force people to say all ethnic groups should rightfully make the same income, what do you say about the Jews? You know, the people who donate 70% of the Democrats funds. The people who run the party. How do you oppose hatred against Jews and Asians that is based on grounds which the Democrats say justify hatred of whites? In the Rodney King riots the Blacks killed thirty whites and fifty Koreans. It wasn’t even legal for Koreans to move to this country until 1965, so what are the Blacks mad about? Slavery? All the slave plantations the Koreans owned? They are mad at Koreans for the same reason they are mad at whites, they hate anyone who makes more money than they do. The Democrat plan is to tear this country apart but they are part of this country. They will tear themselves apart first.

Things are coming to an end for the Democrats because what happens when you win? Gay marriage is legal, what do yo do now? Turn the whole Olympics into men in wigs. Turn Miss America into men in wigs. Break down the cotton ceiling the TERFs built. Things are coming to an end because they are so addicted to outraging mainstream Americans and their bakeries they will do anything to keep this addiction fed, they support any sort of disgust tolerance. This can’t go on forever. The public can feel it. Its a car heading for a brick wall and the driver is wearing a wig. That wig won’t help.

The signature trait of the Republican Party since the Moynihan Report changed the world is passive avoidance and resistance to social issues. This passive resistance requires numbers, it requires a majority and that majority is slipping away. The Protestants run the country and they run the Republican Party as if it was their monopoly. They will not allow any discussion of ideas and solutions which are an obstacle to Luther’s version of salvation by faith alone from taking over the world. I say Luther’s version as they are many and this concept predates the invention of salvation by works by the Zoroastrians prior to the start of Judaism. As the Republicans will not allow any discussion of ideas involving agency and the civilized advance beyond primitive forms and deny the basic principles of Western Civilization they are incapable of any discussion regarding the role culture plays in Black poverty. As a result of being voluntary mutes they can only oppose the Democrats on social issues passively. And this requires numbers. Numbers they soon won’t have. Trump temporarily delayed the start of the Democrat’s Thousand Year Administration by dropping Lazy Fairy economics and supporting union workers in trade deals. This expanded his voter base and pushed back the year when it is no longer possible for the Republicans to ever win the White House again. But no other Republican has followed his lead, the rest of them love the Lazy Fairy as much as ever. The Latinx immigrants keep coming and the Republicans ability to passively avoid social issues shrinks with each immigrant. But don’t worry, Qanon will save us.

The Evangelicals took over the Republican Party in the 90s. You might call it a Southern takeover, its really the same thing. This takeover failed. The mid term elections of 1994 marked the official start of the Southern version of the Republican Party. By 1996 it had committed suicide with the Defense of Marriage Act. They only had two good years. Making two gay dudes playing house together the only crime in America that was double illegal was the best thing that ever happened to the American Left and to the Democrat Party. They are addicted to abusing mainstream Americans and their bakeries, it is a drug to them. Gay Marriage was the most potent version of this drug and woe be to the bakery that stood in their way. The Evangelicals were supposed to save the Republican Party from the shrinking ratio of white to Latinx voters by getting the Latinx voters to switch to the Republicans on family issues. But only people brainwashed for centuries on salvation by faith alone think stopping two gay dudes from playing house together is going to help a dude and a chick play house together better. The circle of people who actually believe gay marriage affects straight marriage is limited to the Evangelicals themselves. They gained no Latinx votes with gay marriage and never will. The Bush family of idiots say they had their own way of getting Latinx voters, they will speak Spanish and let them all in. They will stand on the border shouting yee haw, its a Mexican Stampede! And cheer on every immigrant until the force of their enthusiasm turns them into Republicans. Did not work. No plan concocted by people as stupid as the Bushes ever works. But don’t worry, Qanon will save us.

If making gay marriage double illegal doesn’t work what about wars? Lots of them. That will work, people love war. And so the Bush family decided to invade every country in the world that doesn’t use toilet paper. Because people love wars, all that flag waving and patriotism. Except no plan concocted by people as stupid as the Bushes ever works. Because people hate war, they hate it a lot. Don’t worry, the Evangelicals have a plan. They will say either you support the Bush Wars or you are not a patriot, your choice. The millennials chose to not be patriots. Those Evangelicals, they are so smart. Next they said you oppose gay marriage or you are not a Christian. So smart, those Evangelicals. Because this tactic of theirs always works, right? Actually no. In my lifetime whenever the Evangelicals give the rest of the country the my way or the highway choice they choose the highway. And so the millennials decided to not be Christians. An entire generation was lost. But don’t worry, Qanon will save us.

Latinx immigration changes things. The Thousand Year Administration the Democrats dream of would have started in 2016 except Donald Trump did something no other Republican was capable of doing, he changed. He dropped Lazy Fairy economics from the party’s ten commandments and expanded the voter base to include union workers. This change let him put off the Thousand Year Administration by at least eight years. If other Republicans will do the unthinkable and change their positions then the competitive balance between the Republicans and Democrats will never end. I have doubts as to whether any Republican other than Trump is smart enough to know this, my hope lies with a third party. A slim hope, obviously. But Trump did recognize that change is needed. The Republicans can’t win with their old formulas and by passively avoiding social issues. And so Trump changed. But in doing so he threatened an addict with going cold turkey. He threatened an addict with the end of his supply. The left in this country is so addicted to abusing mainstream Americans and their bakeries that what Trump did led to a psychotic break. Republicans are supposed to be the world’s perfect enemy and never fight back. Trump is not the perfect enemy, he fights back. But he does something even more upsetting to this opponents, he changes. He dropped Lazy Fairy economics. Unlike every other Republican politician he doubts the need to invade every single country in the world that doesn’t use toilet paper. This flexibility on the part of Trump is what tears the minds of his opponents apart. Republicans, mainstream Americans and also bakeries are supposed to be easy targets. They are not supposed to defend themselves, they are not supposed to dodge the bullets and react and improve their response. They are supposed to be stationary targets. When Trump moved it led to a psychotic break with reality for all those addicted to attacking mainstream Americans and their bakeries. It led to a psychotic break and a retreat into a comforting illusion of Muh Russia. The super scandal that will save us all.

Both extreme ends of the political spectrum are currently in a break from reality. It is worse for the left. Muh Russia is bigger than Qanon. But Qanon is more harmful. The Democrats can recover from Muh Russia, but can the Republicans recover from Speaker of the House Paul Ryan killing the border wall during the last time the Republicans are ever likely to control both houses of Congress and the White House, things which have to be in place for the border wall? Qanon has fewer believers than Muh Russia but Qanon did more harm. The passivity encouraged by the Qanon hoax killed the border wall and killed the Republican Party’s relevance once Trump is term limited out of office. Both these hoaxes are the same, a psychotic break with painful reality and a retreat into a comforting fantasy. The painful reality is always the same, the need for change. The comforting fantasy is always the same, a super scandal will save us and we can avoid change forever. I ask the reader, can anyone but the dead avoid change?


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