

thanx. finally verified. so I will get my share of upvote. thanx

@actnearn please check this comment. I didn't get my share of upvote for my facebook comment which u already verified

Posted using Partiko Android

not shared

it is there on the timeline. please check again. must be some other problem

not visible to us. Pls check privacy settings

I changed setting to friends and back to public. I hope its visible now. please check for one last time. thanx

Friends = 2523
please check its shared 8 hours back

we get "Sorry, this content isn't available right now"

logout and open the link. y will see the issue

I corrected it wat ever was the problem. I rechecked using other facebook account. so it should work now. please check for one last time. thanx

@actneatn u verified this post but not voted it. Obama still waiting for my share of upvote. Please do the needful

Posted using Partiko Android