Want to meet an Eco-Artivist?

in #activism2 years ago

Davida’s Oxymoran mask piece, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico 2022

Davida, aka ++Jil Love Revolution++ is an artivist from Barcelona, currently residing in Mexico,

Recent interview with DaVida on her recent Covid art piece. The creation can be seen at 7 minutes into the video. ++Support Davida on Youtube++.

DaVida’s art comes to her in visions and downloads and she expresses it through living performance art or artivism as she calls it, her work demonstrates that vulnerably has its own powerful way of expressing a resilient strength that transfers her message to people deeply on a soul level..

Davida expresses her spirituality through her art in the same way. She has created two books with all the photos from her artivisim. She covers powerful topics to raise public awareness from environmental crimes to genocides and humanitarian injustices and censorship. Being a Pisces she wilfully demonstrates compassion in her work for the environment, animal rights and human rights.

Davida’s Artivism

The destruction of Tulum’s Forest

The destruction of Tulum’s Forest

Davida’s latest book

Protesting the persecution of Palestinians

Protesting Oil Exploitation

Davida’s Artivism

Protesting the Torture of Bull Fights as Entertainment in Spain

Protesting the Torture of Bull Fights as Entertainment in Spain

Protesting the Torture of Bull Fights as Entertainment in Spain

Protesting the Torture of Bull Fights as Entertainment in Spain

Protesting the Torture of Bull Fights as Entertainment in Spain

Breaking down walls

Women’s rights

Raising awareness on homelessness

reborn balance

A New Rebirth A New Breakthrough A New Transformation A New Golden Age A New Direction A New Wisdom A New Orgasm A New Equinox A New Modern Day Priestess A New  "🔥"DaVida "🔥" Art by Keith Allen Kay  "🙏" "🙌"

Modern Day Priestess and Artivist Performance Artist founder of the International Social Movement ”++Jil Love Revolution.++

Her unique style seamlessly fuses key elements of performing arts and activism to provoke and engage the general public, often inciting divisive discourse among fans and critics about her work. A photo of her artivist performance in solidarity with the independence of Catalonia was not only selected as one of the “Photos of the Day” by The Washington Post, but was finally chosen by The Wall Street Journal as one of their “Year in Photos,. 2014 “. Both Nation of Change and True Activism also selected their acting artivist rallies to raise the Western collective consciousness of the ongoing Palestinian genocide as No. 1.

In addition to these recent accomplishments, her unique artistic methods of passive resistance have been embraced by fellow activists and artists, inspiring thousands and spurring people to action. Jil Love was officially recognized by the City of Los Angeles for her efforts and accomplishments.

Mexico city, 2017. Macro Artivism performance in Mexico City with the 43 mothers of the 43 Missing Students of Ayotzinapa. Image of the full chapter in “Artivist Priestess”, DaVida´s second book. Marching forth on March 4th, 2017 Davida brought together the women demonstrating suffering of the mothers of the 43 Ayotzinapa students who disappeared on 26 September 2014.

In 2016 she published her first book called ‘We Are The Voices of The Unheard’ which documents all her artivist protests to date. Her most viral international activism work in Latin America was on her birthday on March 4, 2017 in Mexico City, where she brought together 43 women to portray the pain and suffering of the mothers of the 43 Ayotzinapa students who disappeared on 26 September 2014.

Jil created a procession through the Historic District using the Mexican folklore legend of ghost women who cry searching for their missing children. Television news and media from around the world covered the event and thousands of people around the world were suddenly informed of this tragedy that the Mexican government is silent. Jil’s activism has the power of conscience with a clear and concise message spread through art.

Protests over Jil Love’s artivism have reached millions and gone viral around the world and her images have appeared in major newspapers and magazines such as Wall Street Journal, RT, Washington Post, Huffington Post, LA Times, Grazia Magazine, Art Tour International, Art Sheep, Le Monde and so on …

Jil uses her body, as a naked canvas where she transmits a clear message of vulnerability, exposing the wounds of humanity and the world. Vulnerability is for Jil, the state in which we are most powerful. Showing your truth through your body and creative force is a state of love and compassion for who we are. and that allows us to make deeper connections. Vulnerability comes from the Latin “vulnus”, which means wound. We need courage and lack of judgment to show our wounds.

”Reveal your beautiful wounds to the world with confidence and trust in yourself.”-Davida

DaVida Sal is a contemporary priestess on a mission to awaken a force in those who see her images, to raise awareness, ignite ideas, and incite people to action. Fight peacefully and artistically for social rights, animal rights and environmental rights. Their motto is: We are the voices of the silenced, we are the images of the invisible. Her team is a group of friends who have a vision of a better, more loving, compassionate and free world through art, imagination and creation.

A New Rebirth, A New Breakthrough, A New Transformation, A New Golden Age, A New Direction, A New Wisdom, A New Orgasm, A New Equinox, A New Modern Day Priestess, A New DaVida. Art by Keith Allen Kay

DaVida was formerly known as Jil Love. In 2012 she founded and created an international social movement involving Art + Activism to create awareness, motivate society and expand awareness. DaVida is one of the founders of world ARTivism. In the last 8 years, her social movement project Love Revolution has garnered acclaim from global critics. An American artist, activist and filmmaker originally from Tarragona, near Barcelona in Spain, Sal launched her ‘Revolution of Love’ after her mother passed away and she had to return to Spain for a time. Davida had a divine call to bring a moment of beauty and love with her performance during a massive and violent protest against the austerity measures during the height of the 2012 Spanish riots in Madrid during the ‘Surround Congress’ call…

One image of her naked and vulnerable, laying down and praying for peace went viral all over the world. That’s the main image on the back cover of her second book: ‘Artivist Priestess which has been published recently.

”We owe our respects and appreciation to all the men and women who have dreamed of a better life, a less hostile living and a more enjoyable planet for us to travel through . . .

Now is the time when we are truly awakening and making sense of who we truly are and why we are here. The human race is in an eternal battle for survival. You and I have it because the ones before toiled and died for us to have it. Are you going to ignore that reality and blindly move on wasting this opportunity to keep pioneering existence?”

Author is permitted to publish photos of artivist. Friend of author!

Support Davida’s work

++Follow Davida in FB++

++Follow Davida in Youtube++Send a message and to order books++jilloverevolution@outlook.com++


Mirrored from Evolvetoecology.org, Thank you