PostsCommentsPayoutsmay2015 (64)in Photography Lovers • 9 months agoДом-яйцо/House-eggВсем привет! А вы знаете, что в Москве есть дом-яйцо? Я давно хотела увидеть этот дом "живьем", да все не складывалось. И вот 9-го мая звезды сошлись. Дошла. Посмотрела. Сфотографировала, какmay2015 (64)in Wednesday Walk • 2 years agoWednesday Walk: Walk in the autumn forestHi everybody! Today I want to talk about a walk in the forest, which is not far from my house. I took this walk on October 23 this year. I noticed that now the forest is…may2015 (64)in Fungi Lovers • 2 years agoAmanita muscariaHi everybody! This is my first post in the Fungi Lovers community and I want to show off my recent finds. Actually, I'm not a mushroom picker. I don’t understand mushrooms…may2015 (64)in Wednesday Walk • 2 years agoWednesday Walk: Walk in the cityHi everybody! I like to walk. Despite the fact that I like nature, I feel uncomfortable in the forest - I walk and think that you can get lost or meet a wild animal. Therefore…may2015 (64)in Photography Lovers • 2 years agoAncient church by the riverHi everybody! On October 14, Orthodox Christians had a holiday - the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. This holiday was based on the events that took place in 910 in…may2015 (64)in Wednesday Walk • 2 years agoWednesday Walk: Birthday walk.Hi everybody! I got sick. Covid put me to bed and now I can only dream of walking. Therefore, today I want to talk about my walk, which took place on July 8, 2021. A little backstory. A few years ago,may2015 (64)in Hive Pets • 2 years agoCheeky squirrelsHi everybody! Today I want to talk about squirrels that live in our city park. I want to say that with the onset of cool weather and the approach of winter, they have become insolent! Not so long ago Imay2015 (64)in Wednesday Walk • 2 years agoWednesday Walk: Walk around Vologda.Hi everybody! Today I want to talk about a walk that I took over a year ago. She was in July 2021. I went to the old Russian city of Vologda, which is known for its wooden…may2015 (64)in Russian Bloggers ! • 2 years agoИсуповское болотоПривет, друзья! Я продолжаю свой рассказ о местах, связанных с именем Ивана Сусанина. В этом посте я рассказала о селе Домнино и погосте Деревеньки. Сегодня я приглашаю…may2015 (64)in Wednesday Walk • 3 years agoWednesday Walk: Walk in the center of MoscowHi everybody! Yesterday I was in the center of Moscow on business, and after I got free, I decided to walk. During the walk, I took pictures of everything in a row to…may2015 (64)in Russian Bloggers ! • 3 years agoПогост ДеревенькиПривет, друзья! Сегодня я вновь хочу вспомнить свою июльскую поездку в Костромскую область и рассказать о местах, связанных с именем Ивана Сусанина. Это три населенных…may2015 (64)in Russian Bloggers ! • 3 years agoЩелыково. РодникПривет, друзья! Хочу продолжить свой рассказ про Щелыково - музей-заповедник А.Н.Островского. Я уже рассказала о музейной экспозиции в доме писателя, показала усадебный парк…may2015 (64)in Wednesday Walk • 3 years agoWednesday Walk: Bicycle ride. Looking for a monumentHi everybody! Today I want to talk about how I was looking for a monument to the deceased pilot in the vicinity of the city. In mid-August, the city community on VK was…may2015 (64)in Wednesday Walk • 3 years agoWednesday Walk: Walk in the forest.Hi everybody! Today I want to talk about how last Saturday I walked in the forest. My husband and I usually use this route for cycling on weekdays. The length of the route is…may2015 (64)in Wednesday Walk • 3 years agoWednesday Walk: A walk on the last Sunday of summer.Hi everybody! Today I want to tell you about a walk I took on the last Sunday of summer. On Sunday, after lunch, I wanted to wander around the center of Moscow and I decided to…may2015 (64)in Russian Bloggers ! • 3 years agoМузей-заповедник "Щелыково". Дом А.Островского. Часть 3.Привет, друзья! Сегодня будет третья, заключительная часть прогулки по дому Островского в усадьбе Щелыково. Часть 1 Часть 2 В прошлый раз я показывала рабочий кабинет…may2015 (64)in Russian Bloggers ! • 3 years agoМузей-заповедник "Щелыково". Дом А.Островского. Часть 2..Привет, друзья! Сегодня продолжу показ фотографий из дома-музея Александра Островского. Начало можно посмотреть тут . В первой части своего рассказа я показала интерьеры…may2015 (64)in Wednesday Walk • 3 years agoWednesday Walk: Walk on a city holidayHi everybody! The city where I live celebrated its birthday in June. He is 96 years old. And today I want to tell about this day and what I saw at the celebration. My morning…may2015 (64)in Russian Bloggers ! • 3 years agoМузей-заповедник "Щелыково". Дом А.Островского. Часть 1.Привет, друзья! Месяц назад в сообщество "Wednesday Walk" я написала пост про свою прогулку по парку в музее-усадьбе Александра Островского "Щелыково", который находится в…may2015 (64)in Wednesday Walk • 3 years agoWednesday Walk: A walk on the bikeHi everybody! Today I want to talk about our family bike ride to a neighboring village. Back in spring, on the website of the tourist information center of our city, I found…