evih (66)in #fiction • yesterdayWe Do Not Part - Han Kangsource I have to say, this was a rollercoaster, in terms of story, in terms of learning about the history and also my feelings towards this book. I didn't know anything about the jeju massacre, but consideringevih (66)in #fiction • 2 days agoSunrise on the Reaping - Suzanne Collinssource I was a bit worried that this book wont bring anything new to the table since we know Haymitch will survive, and even know what the Arena looked like etc. from book 2. But it positively surprisedevih (66)in #fiction • 3 days agoA Woman Is No Man - Etaf Rumsource This book elicits a very strong emotion from me, so that's good. I like that it felt fast paced, hard to read due to the topic but very short in chapters. I wonder why this book is written though?evih (66)in #fantasy • 4 days agoWater Moon by Samantha Sotto Yambaosource This was way more focused on romance than what the summary led on (but the GR genres don't like, but I hadn't checked them, haha) and I would not say it was a good choice. The book is full of prettyevih (66)in #fiction • 5 days agoThe Heart Is a Lonely Hunter - Carson McCullerssource What a slog this was to get through. So much of the story felt incoherent. Much of the detail was just filler and irrelevant to the plot or characterizations. A lot of the side characters I justevih (66)in #novel • 6 days agoThe Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare - G.K. Chestertonsource This was weird, but fun. I enjoyed the book and its ridiculousness for the most part. When it turned heavily into religious talk is when I tuned out. That really wasn’t my cup of tea, I was okayevih (66)in #thriller • 8 days agoWitchcraft for Wayward Girls - Grady Hendrixsource The representation of the female rage and the female empowerment was incredible, and I felt for the characters every step of the way. The lack of agency and respect given to these "Waywardevih (66)in #fiction • 9 days agoLittle Eyes - Samanta Schweblinsource I finished! So, I ended up liking Little Eyes more than disliking it. It was pretty engaging, but I wanted (needed) more. The fragmented structure was a bit of a pain at the beginning, especiallyevih (66)in #fiction • 15 days agoIron Widow - Xiran Jay Zhaosource I found this book to be fast-paced with a perfect blend of action, fantasy, sci-fi, romance, and comedy. I listened to the audiobook and could not stop listening. I found myself going back multipleevih (66)in #novel • 17 days agoThe Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salingersource The story itself was written as a teenager's stream of consciousness, specifically a teenager with ADHD or some other difficulty with staying on topic, and in that regard it was done well but it'sevih (66)in #fiction • 18 days agoThe Terror - Dan Simmonssource What a saga, in terms of both my reading experience and the myriad of hardships these seamen had to face on this cursed expedition to find the Northwest Passage. It is humbling to read about theevih (66)in #fiction • 29 days agoWhen Did You See Her Last? - Lemony Snicketsource I finally finished Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth and it was a ride. One of the things that sucked me the most was his warning on the persistence of neocolonial structures (esp economic andevih (66)in #litecoin • last monthLitecoin vs. Centralized Garbagesource LTC has been doing really well recently because it will likely get an ETF first this year. I think that would be fair, it only makes sense for one of the oldest coins…evih (66)in #non-fiction • last month Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earthsource I finally finished Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth and it was a ride. One of the things that sucked me the most was his warning on the persistence of neocolonial structures (esp economic andevih (66)in #non-fiction • last monthMerchants of Doubt by Naomi Oreskessource I finished Merchants of Doubt by Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway. Since I had already read Oreskes’s other book, Why Trust Science?, which was one of my best reads of that year I added their mostevih (66)in #fiction • last monthThe Book Thief - Markus Zusaksource So I'm in a weird spot where I really enjoyed the concepts, the aesthetics and the author's note much more than any of the actual content? LOL? The MC is 29 year old drowning in debt, lost her jobevih (66)in #fiction • last monthWhen the Moon Hatched - Sarah A. Parkersource Finished. This was....fine? To say this was nigh on 700 pages with essentially 3 main characters, a lot more could've been done. With the story that was told, 200 pages could've easily been cutevih (66)in #fiction • last monthInto the Wild Erin Huntersource The last couple chapters took a little longer. Being passenger princess on this road trip I’m tasked with staying chatty to keep the driver from sleeping (safe driving no worries, just the roadsevih (66)in #novel • last monthTo Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Leesource Finished! 3.75/5 I really enjoy the way that Scout developed throughout the book. She began to question how the black people in the town were treating and picked up on the hypocrisy of those whoevih (66)in #fiction • last monthVengeful - Victoria E. Schwabsource This book has a different vibe from the first. First was pure edge and a shallow look in superpowers with the main focus between the "feud" of 2 guys and in a sense, their principles (though