PostsCommentsPayoutscaterinaromeo (48)in PhotoFeed • last yearA little african man's story. In un piccolo villaggio del Turkana,camminando per le strade, è possibile incontrare qualunque tipo di lavoratore, ma sicuro quello piu' diffuso è quello del gommista, viste le condizioni delle stradecaterinaromeo (48)in Travel Photography • last yearNjemps and Baringo LakeWho are the Njemp in Kenya? The Ilchamus, also known as Njemps, are a Maa people living south and southeast of Lake Baringo, Kenya. They number around 35,000 and are closely related to the Samburu whocaterinaromeo (48)in #africa • last year.Who are the Njemp in Kenya? The Ilchamus, also known as Njemps, are a Maa people living south and southeast of Lake Baringo, Kenya. They number around 35,000 and are closely related to the Samburu whocaterinaromeo (48)in Photography • last yearHello everyone...somethink about meBorn in Calabria (Italy) in 1966, moved to Ravenna and then to Bologna where I currently live... I asked for my first camera as a promotion gift for eighth grade, with which I was already thinking of