
I know right? My professors before always say that it's the basic, but when you do the programming it's very complicated. I haven't touched JavaScript before so maybe I'll look into your post when I got the time to start learning again.

By the way, I resteemed your post for future references.
Thank you very much!

C is regarded "low level" code (as in: close to the "metal", the hardware). Could that be perhaps what the school professor meant with "basic"?

I don't know about that. I just don't know where they draw the line of the most basic and the advance. But C is considered a high-level language, right? Low level ones are machine languages, correct me if I'm wrong though :)

C is regarded "low level" code (as in: close to the "metal", the hardware). ^^^ ;-) PHP for example is more high-level since it was built on top of C (the PHP interpreter, which is interpreting your PHP scripts).

I see.
Thank you for a good reference. ^^ :)