<p dir="auto"><span><img src="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmXA9RBqr2qRTbWpcnvGDv38v9v6gak6WotkLMMUZxeERk/hr_thin.png" srcset="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmXA9RBqr2qRTbWpcnvGDv38v9v6gak6WotkLMMUZxeERk/hr_thin.png 1x, https://images.hive.blog/1536x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmXA9RBqr2qRTbWpcnvGDv38v9v6gak6WotkLMMUZxeERk/hr_thin.png 2x" />
<hr />
<p dir="auto">This post is intended to cover the server costs for <a href="https://steemworld.org" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from hive.blog" class="external_link">SteemWorld.org and to enable me to continue my development in the future.
<p dir="auto">In case you missed the first part:<br />
<a href="/steemworld/@steemchiller/steemworld-weekly-support-1">SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1
<hr />
<p dir="auto">Dieser Post ist dafür gedacht die Serverkosten für <a href="https://steemworld.org" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from hive.blog" class="external_link">SteemWorld.org zu decken und mir in Zukunft weitere Entwicklungen zu ermöglichen.
<p dir="auto">Falls du den ersten Teil verpasst haben solltest:<br />
<a href="/steemworld/@steemchiller/steemworld-weekly-support-1">SteemWorld ~ Weekly Support ~ #1
<p dir="auto"><span><img src="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmXA9RBqr2qRTbWpcnvGDv38v9v6gak6WotkLMMUZxeERk/hr_thin.png" srcset="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmXA9RBqr2qRTbWpcnvGDv38v9v6gak6WotkLMMUZxeERk/hr_thin.png 1x, https://images.hive.blog/1536x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmXA9RBqr2qRTbWpcnvGDv38v9v6gak6WotkLMMUZxeERk/hr_thin.png 2x" />
<hr />
<p dir="auto">I'm still working on the upcoming Post Editor and I think that it will be ready to be used/tested in about a week from now. As I didn't mention any details about what the outcome will look like yet, it's now time to share a preview. Many people might have thought that I'm just adding a simple text input field and call it Post Editor, but that's not what the perfectionist in me would be able to work with. I want to have a brilliant solution here.
<p dir="auto">In a perfect world I would just lay in the sun completely chilled and while relaxing my mind would create and upload the next post in parallel without me needing to move any part of my body, but sadly that's not yet possible in our current dimension... ^^
<p dir="auto">The reason for not having a real interactive syntax editor on other Steem platforms is that it's really difficult to develop and it takes much time to build a good solution, because it must be able to parse, understand and format Markdown and HTML syntax at the same time and finally combine it to HTML, which then can again be loaded and edited interactively. That's why most Steem platforms store a 'format' field in the post's <code>json_metadata and why you can't edit your posts interactively when using Markdown syntax.
<p dir="auto">Without further losing time (currently working ~ 12h daily on this, weekends included) let me just throw some images at you and then continue with my work.
<h3>Syntax Editor
<hr />
<p dir="auto"><span><img src="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmcJaofyGpF1y4vtoGXehTfGy1orCE1yRnsHTSpHxxVUG6/steemworld-post-editor-preview.png" srcset="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmcJaofyGpF1y4vtoGXehTfGy1orCE1yRnsHTSpHxxVUG6/steemworld-post-editor-preview.png 1x, https://images.hive.blog/1536x0/https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmcJaofyGpF1y4vtoGXehTfGy1orCE1yRnsHTSpHxxVUG6/steemworld-post-editor-preview.png 2x" />
<hr />
<p dir="auto">The 'Syntax Box' is freely movable/scalable and is being displayed in front of the post's content, so that we can scroll the document up and down without losing our text input out of sight.
<p dir="auto">With the default position set to <code>bottom the box is pinned to the bottom of the browser's window and can be moved along the x-axis. Of course, it still can be scaled to the top. More details will be explained in my next post.
<p dir="auto">If you wonder why I wrote 'headar' instead of 'header', I tell you, this 'mystery' will explain itself soon...
<h3>See it in action
<hr />
<p dir="auto">It seems like the animations are too big to be displayed here directly, therefore I uploaded them to my server:
<p dir="auto"><a href="https://steemworld.org/preview/steemworld-post-editor-preview1.gif" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from hive.blog" class="external_link">Preview 1 (GIF)
<p dir="auto">Of course, it's also possible to move, duplicate and remove images simply per click. As it can be seen in the following animation, the 'Focus Box' does not yet adapt automatically to the image size, because I need to add an extra handler for the <code>onload event for these cases. Many things on my list for this week...
<p dir="auto"><a href="https://steemworld.org/preview/steemworld-post-editor-preview2.gif" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener" title="This link will take you away from hive.blog" class="external_link">Preview 2 (GIF)
<hr />
<p dir="auto">Stay tuned and have a wonderful week ;)
<p dir="auto"><span><img src="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmXA9RBqr2qRTbWpcnvGDv38v9v6gak6WotkLMMUZxeERk/hr_thin.png" srcset="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmXA9RBqr2qRTbWpcnvGDv38v9v6gak6WotkLMMUZxeERk/hr_thin.png 1x, https://images.hive.blog/1536x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmXA9RBqr2qRTbWpcnvGDv38v9v6gak6WotkLMMUZxeERk/hr_thin.png 2x" />
<h2>In the making
<hr />
<h4> ( A )
<hr />
<li>Post Viewer and Editor
<li>Steem Data Service (SDS)
<li>Starting a witness node
<li>More details in Coming Rewards (number of posts and comments, pie charts)
<li>Improved Coming Curation Rewards
<h4> ( B )
<hr />
<li>Different views, no limit in the Posts Overview (requires SDS)
<li>Account Operations without limits, custom date ranges and filters, jump to day x (requires SDS)
<li>Exact (separated SP, STEEM and SBD) All Time Rewards in the Stats Section (requires SDS)
<li>Rewards Overview Tool with searching capabilites (requires SDS)
<h4> ( C )
<hr />
<li>RC costs calculation
<li>New responsive SteemWorld that can be run locally (Open Source)
<p dir="auto"><span><img src="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmXA9RBqr2qRTbWpcnvGDv38v9v6gak6WotkLMMUZxeERk/hr_thin.png" srcset="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmXA9RBqr2qRTbWpcnvGDv38v9v6gak6WotkLMMUZxeERk/hr_thin.png 1x, https://images.hive.blog/1536x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmXA9RBqr2qRTbWpcnvGDv38v9v6gak6WotkLMMUZxeERk/hr_thin.png 2x" />
<hr />
<p dir="auto"><strong>EN | What is SteemWorld?<br />
-> <a href="/steem/@steemchiller/welcome-to-steemworld-org">Welcome to SteemWorld.org!
<p dir="auto"><strong>DE | Was ist SteemWorld?<br />
-> <a href="/steem/@steemchiller/herzlich-willkommen-auf-steemworld-org">Willkommen auf SteemWorld.org!
<p dir="auto"><span><img src="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmXA9RBqr2qRTbWpcnvGDv38v9v6gak6WotkLMMUZxeERk/hr_thin.png" srcset="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmXA9RBqr2qRTbWpcnvGDv38v9v6gak6WotkLMMUZxeERk/hr_thin.png 1x, https://images.hive.blog/1536x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmXA9RBqr2qRTbWpcnvGDv38v9v6gak6WotkLMMUZxeERk/hr_thin.png 2x" />
<h2>Thank you for supporting my work!
<hr />
<p dir="auto">Positive thoughts create a positive world. It all begins with connecting our thoughts with emotions. What we focus on is what becomes powerful. We are the creators of our world.
<p dir="auto">Much love,
<p dir="auto"><span><img src="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmarYCHGSBms38CSwf8Be3n56RN16nz8MS6MTSV2jX3TfT/chiller-footer-sh-400x90.png" srcset="https://images.hive.blog/768x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmarYCHGSBms38CSwf8Be3n56RN16nz8MS6MTSV2jX3TfT/chiller-footer-sh-400x90.png 1x, https://images.hive.blog/1536x0/https://steemitimages.com/DQmarYCHGSBms38CSwf8Be3n56RN16nz8MS6MTSV2jX3TfT/chiller-footer-sh-400x90.png 2x" />
This guy is absolutely crazy and dedicated. Let's show him some love with a few donations. I just did my donation. Answer under this comment if you donated today as well.
Thank you very much for your support! I would be completely happy, if the people who use my site daily would just give me a full vote for my one weekly post. It's just 1 of 70 full votes that we have in a week, but it seems to be too much for many here. My presentations may not always be perfect, but I already invest 100% of my time in developing all this stuff. A few weeks more and I have built an own Steemit in a one-man mission.
There are also some people using my tools who never gave me any vote, because in their opinion I'm a beggar (they told me). I'm on the brink to lay all this down, because I can hardly pay my monthly bills for quite some time already and working for a dollar per hour on Steem is not really what I wanted to live for.
My time runs out and my whole story of life is even way crazier than people can imagine, but I will do my best to keep SteemWorld running as long as I can.
Greetings from the 'Haubenland' ;)
Damn. Sad to hear that brother. 2 times 100% and a clear resteem.
Haha. Cool it seems that some whales followed my latest article. I wrote a little support post for you.https://steemit.com/colorchallenge/@lichtblick/2-in1-support-for-steemworld-org-and-colorchallenge-thursdaygreen-cute-green-graffiti
More support is kicking in ;-) https://steemit.com/steem/@connecteconomy/are-you-using-steemworld-org-here-are-3-ways-to-support-steemchiller
Ich finde es beschämend, dass du für einen Dollar die Stunde arbeitest/arbeiten musst. Das ist eigentlich unter deiner Würde. Und dann musst du dir auch noch solche Frechheiten anhören? Undank ist der Welten Lohn...
Das Problem für dich ist vor allem der niedrige STEEM Preis, bei gleichbleibenden bzw. steigenden Fixkosten.
Wir wollen doch alle das du STEEMWORLD für immer weiterführst und auch finanziell etwas davon hast, aber vllt wird es Zeit deine eigenen Ambitionen etwas runter zu fahren und dich nach einer etragreicheren Einnahmequelle umzusehen. Als talentierter Entwickler sollte das für dich eigentlich kein Problem sein, ertragreiche Arbeit zu finden. Vllt kapieren manche es dann endlich, wenn du STEEMWORLD nur noch als sideproject am laufen hälst...
Alles Gute für dich.
P.S. Der nächste BTC Bullenmarkt dauert leider wahrscheinlich noch ca. 2 Jahre. Ich hoffe du überlegst dir eine Lösung.
One vote per week is quite a reasonable request. You are doing a fantastic job and a lot of people rely on what you have already done.
I'm quite looking forward to using your editor as well.
Steem is not a place to earn a living from for most people, so a dollar an hour is actually real good for here. I bet most users would be happy with a dollar a day.
Having said that, however, I truly believe that someone with your ability could be earning well over $100,000 per year working for a company. Working for Steem users is a noble thing to do, but it doesn't seem to pay very well (at this time of low Steem prices). If you didn't need to cash out, then you could wait for the price to jump and it may all then be worth the effort. However, if you depend on your Steem income to live, then that sucks.
You sir, are a machine! I use your app every single day. Love it!
Have you set on autovote for 100%. Have another hundred. It's really that good!
I help with donating a !sneeze :P
How dare you sneeze at me? :D My health is important to me.
You have been infected by the King of Disease!
Will you quarantine yourself?
Or will you spread the plague?
Good luck!
steemworld tool became a main thing for me to use when i being online on steem blockchain
Peace.thank you very much for keep developing @steemworld thank you very much @steemchiller for your efforts
Thanks for your work! 👍
Lieber Chiller,
das ist ja schon mal sehr positiv beeindruckend, was man in den Vorschauen zum Post Editor sehen kann.
Ich freue mich sehr darauf!
Worauf ich sehr gespannt bin:
Wird denn der Zeilenumbruch angepasst sein an den von Steemit, womit ich meine "What you see in Post Editor, you will get in Steemit"?
Lieben Gruß, @double-u
Freut mich, dass es dir gefällt, @double-u! Ich bin leider nicht dazu gekommen noch mehr zu zeigen, aber werde das natürlich in einem ausführlicheren Post nachholen ;)
<blockquote> <p dir="auto">Wird denn der Zeilenumbruch angepasst sein an den von Steemit? <p dir="auto">Ich habe kürzlich etwas (so gut wie alles Markdown-technische) ändern müssen, weil ich auf eine neuere Library umgestellt habe (die, welche Steemit verwendet, ist auch veraltet) und dadurch werden aktuell nicht mehr alle Elemente so dargestellt, wie es vorher war (und auf Steemit ist). Nach genauerer Prüfung ist mir klargeworden, dass die neue Logik eigentlich richtig ist, aber ich will natürlich nicht, dass die Posts anders angezeigt werden als auf Steemit. <p dir="auto">Also mein Ziel ist, dass die Umbrüche genauso angezeigt werden. In meiner lokalen Version habe ich schon einen Teil behoben, wodurch die <code><br>'s und <code> 's am Zeilenanfang nicht mehr entfernt werden, aber das ist noch nicht auf den Server übertragen. Wir können ja in den kommenden Tagen nochmal schnacken, falls du einen Post haben solltest, der im Moment anders dargestellt wird. <p dir="auto"><strong>Edit:<br /> Ich weiß nicht, ob das in deiner Frage mit inbegriffen war, aber es wird nicht möglich sein Umbrüche an gleicher Stelle zu haben, ohne dass man tatsächlich einen Umbruch mit <code><br> oder Enter tätigt, da ich eine andere Schriftart verwende und sowohl diese als auch dessen Größe (und auch die Breite der Post-Ansicht) später einstellbar sein wird. <p dir="auto">LG, ChillerDanke dir für deine Antwort!
Wenn die Schriftgröße und die Breite der Post-Ansicht einstellbar sein werden, kann ich mir das ja eventuell dann so einstellen, dass ein automatischer Zeilenumbruch genau nach der gleichen Anzahl von Zeichen so stattfindet, wie es dann nach dem Posten auf Steemit dargestellt werden wird. Eventuell könntest du das doch auch als Grundeinstellung so schon auswählen, wenn das Ganze überhaupt so möglich ist, wie ich mir das vorstelle ;-)
Lieben Gruß, @double-u
Lieber @steemchiller,
ich schreibe dir mal lieber unter deinem vorletzten Post, da mein Anliegen nun nicht so gut unter deinen Post zum Thema "Editor" passen würde.
Leider funktioniert seit einer Weile das hier nicht mehr:

"By Weight" funktioniert.
Aber "By Amount" lädt leider nicht; selbst wenn man z.B. 30 Minuten laden lässt. Ich habe das mit verschiedenen Nodes und an verschiedenen Tagen nun oft ausprobiert.
Ist dir das schon aufgefallen, oder geht es eventuell nur bei mir nicht?
Liebe Grüße, @double-u
Danke für den Hinweis @double-u! Ich kann mir gerade nicht erklären, wie genau ich das vollbracht habe, aber ich habe in dem Bereich wirklich vor Kurzem etwas 'aufgeräumt' und dabei an einer Stelle eine Variable für den Zähler vertauscht.
Sollte jetzt nach Aktualisierung der Seite wieder laufen ;)
Wow! @steemchiller,
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zur 70.000!
Ich vermute ich habe dich gerade dort hin "befördert" ;-)
Super! Danke! Es läuft wieder.
Ich hätte wohl eher Bescheid sagen sollen ;-)
Ich hab' dir vorhin unter deinem aktuellen Post noch einen Kommentar hinterlassen.
This new editor looks pretty exciting! I use your tool every single day, thank you so much for working so hard on it. !sneeze
This user has already been infected! Sneezing at them again does not have any effect.
You are doing a great work. I’m tired of giving you thanks for it (joke) so of course voting and donating you it’s a must.
About the editor: is it ready for mobile devices?, I’m mainly using phone and tablet to use steemworld and guess lot of others do so I’m a bit concerned about mobile usability of the editor. I only use the Steemit one that is a nightmare for me...
My best wishes and love to you
HugsHi @steemchiller,
That was interesting (both gifs).
As for a SteemWorld which can be run locally, do you mean we would download and run it from our OS? Dosn't it become complicated with having so many OSs to cater for?
Whether I've understood correctly or not, it is fascinating seeing the changes taking form week by week. It makes me feel as if I am a part of your process of creation.
Thanks! I didn't show many features in my GIFs, but I hope they can roughly show what is about to come.
Yes, it will then be downloadable and directly runnable in the browser. It's not an application that runs natively on the OS, therefore it will work on nearly every system that supports Javascript. As I designed most features on SteemWorld in a way that no server is required, it's not as difficult to realize as one might think.
There are a few functions on the site (like Transfer Search for example) which currently need my API to run, but with SDS even those can be run locally. As we saw Steemit censoring a few accounts already, we now know that we will need a local world in future...
This is my 2nd acc and is too low on SP to have even a 1c value. You always have my vote on your posts and comments, so, please keep in mind that as there are some who belong to the shit extreme of ingratitude, some of us do try to thank you to the best of our ability (I'm saying, focus on us and not on the others)
THIS has my attention! With everything you have created already this will be the most amazing thing for you to do! Just make sure you have been or will be somehow compensated for your immense amount of time spent building this.
Thank you for kicking ass!
Hey buddy. Thanks for the wonderful tool..I use it almost daily.
I wanna send 10 SBI shares to you. Do you prefer something else ?
Posted using Partiko Android
Shouldn't you be getting huge @utopian-io upvotes?
@utopian-io is meant to be supporting open source developers and since SteemWorld is not open source yet, there is no reason for them to support my work and I fully understand that. They already gave me a few nice votes in the past and I'm very thankful for them.
The way I was going seems to not be the best in regards to earning much money from start and it's a struggle to survive, but I have accomplished a very important goal: I'm not dependent on a single or just a few entities, therefore it's nearly impossible to stop me being real ;)
Hey, @steemchiller.
I was excited about this post editor you're working on, but now, I'm SUPER STOKED! Those gifs in and of themselves did it. There's enough just in them to blow everything that is currently offered. :)
Very impressive, as always, and while it's got to be a lot of work and maybe even bothersome at times, like "Why can't I just do a shortcut instead of all of this longer, but better stuff!" I, for one, though, appreciate your dedication and desire to make things the best they can be. I just hope it's worth it to you, however you define that kind of value.
Ja, cool, das nimmt ja richtig Formen an! Deine Gifs sind sehr beeindruckend - vermitteln Vorfreude!
Vielen Dank. Weitermachen! 😉
Liebe Grüße,
Very impressive undertaking @steemchiller, to create a new post editor for Steem. From the animations on your server, definitely looks unlike anything else available. I will be very interested to work with it and put it to the test, when you feel it is "ready for prime time!" 😊
Frustrating my upvote, in support, is declining in value, as STEEM has definitely tanked in the last little while, even though the overall market seems to be holding steady. Perhaps even up a bit ... Well ... That's the world we live in.
We will continue to hope for better days to come!
This is way cool. I can’t wait to use it.
Thanks for your hard work and dedication.
Doing my part....which I should have been doing all along...
I just blew my nose after a !sneeze
You have been infected by the King of Disease!
Will you quarantine yourself?
Or will you spread the plague?
Du bist wirklich hard an der Arbeit. Ich hoffe das du ganz viele Votes bekommst!
The editor looks very impressive and I like the editing/moving paragraphes feature.
Please PLEASE, this editor should be a PREMIUM feature for everyone who wants to use it.
Monthly or yearly subscription!
God bless you for this work, very appreciate it. Keep work sir and be healty, steemworld very useful for me, I can chek all my development there, especially for my curation to the others. Thanks soo much for make it free sir @steemchiller.
Posted using Partiko Android
!tip 0.1 sbd
Du verdienst eigentlich viel mehr. Deine Arbeit ist uns allen sehr wichtig. Mach weiter so. 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿
Posted using Partiko Android
it is getting much better @steemchiller, thank for doing great thing for all of us on the platform
Very cool to see the editor develop @steemchiller, awesome that you are taking the time and effort to create this! You have my little upvote as always... keep up the good work — I'm glad to see your weekly update posts are being supported, too!
Hii, Thank you very much for what you are doing here. It's completely useful and necessary. I just wanted you to know how vital are you in this platform. Thank you!
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you for all your hardwork!
A question pls (or maybe more to FYI ?)
Recently I bumped to an article and learned I was tagged on said article, but I did not see it on the mention on steemworld. Maybe a missing code or a glitch?
I guess there was a link to one of your posts in that article. If it should happen again (or you still know which post it was), just contact me and I will have a look.
Once again I'm here to give you my support. I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who values your work. We all support you!
Posted using Partiko Android
Heya - just stopping by to say hello and leave an upvote.
Great tool that it helps me so much with my daily activities on Steemit. It allows to see how my posts are doing, which are my followers and be able to respond to them in time. The PUSH information is great as I don't have to refresh the browser in any way.
Keep on the good work and thanks for this useful application!
Tried it once couple of days ago and I am on the site almost every day now. Didn't you think of joining the witness ranks? I think that could also help with the costs.
The only thing I am not exactly sure about is how on the site you "let" the people put active keys as a text for claiming the account tickets for example. Is that even secure?
Thanks a lot SteemChiller.
I was pretty skeptical at first about steemworld, but it is probably one of the best STEEM tools I have ever used. It has almost everything I wanted. Not so long ago I was just looking how could I delegate some SP when it still can't be done through steemit wallet and voila - steemworld for the rescue.
The only thing I am really missing on steemworld right now is a tool for auto-claiming balance rewards. For that I still have to go to other sites. How hard would that be to implement? I can't tell.
From now on I am going to upvote and resteem these posts till I end using this tool. It's not much, but hopefully it helps. Good luck.
Thank you for everything you do for the SteemVerse :)
As always friend doing good things for everyone.
As always, many of us are very grateful and whenever we request it there we will be there to support you.
Your work makes being on Steemit easier. Thank you.
I am impressed how much you have done by far and how much more you are doing!
My humble support for you. Thank you for your magnificent service.
Quickly becoming my favorite site to consult stats and interesting facts about Steemit...
Thank you very much for your persistence and very good work!
Hope cryptocurrency will start to go to the moon by April!
Posted using Partiko iOS
I will be voting for your witness server and will keep my eye out for your announcement post
Steemworld is an invaluable service.
Stupid question: what does SDS mean?
Agree, @steemchiller should be getting paid a lot more. Like x10 at least.
As usual, thanks for your work, dedication and magnificent service
White space makes me !sneeze :P
It is my pleasure to support your work.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Upvoted! Amazing work😉
Posted using Partiko Android
Good work. I really enjoy using steemworld. Thank you
I appreciate that you are there. Thank you!
Dear sir thank you for supporting us with your steemworld.org, sir we will be very great-full to you if you will able to add post re-steem process in status bar.
Wow, what a great and ambitious roadmap you have!
Many thanks for all your hardwork, @steemchiller! 😎
Gracias por esa magnifica herramienta.
This post has been just added as new item to timeline of SteemWorld on Steem Projects.
If you want to be notified about new updates from this project, register on Steem Projects and add SteemWorld to your favorite projects.