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RE: HUAWEI WS880 - Gigabit Wi-Fi: Speed that takes you further

in #steemhunt6 years ago

Thank you for posting on Steemhunt. Unfortunately, your hunt cannot be approved and your post has been delisted because your post does not fit the following posting guidelines:

3. Product Link
We only accept these four product links (Your post will be delisted if you include other websites than those listed below):

3-1. Official product website
3-2. Major app store link (AppStore, PlayStore, etc)
3-3. Crowdfunding sites (Kickstarter, Indiegogo, etc) - The funding should be active status or fully pledged. The project that has failed to be pledged won't be accepted.
3-4. Github, Bitbucket repositories for open source projects

Also, the product link MUST be activated properly. If the link is broken or does not work properly, your hunt will be delisted.

Your product link goes to different products. If you fix the link feel free to let me know to review again by replying to this comment.

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