In case you are living under a rock and haven't heard the news...Splinterlands has changed our rewards for the daily quests. We are now getting staked SPS as a reward for ranked battles and within our reward chests.
As per usual....I hated the announcement when it first was announced!
Well, hate is a strong word. But over the past few weeks I've really had a hard time with actually playing the game.
In fact, two days ago this was my reward for 'trying' to compete in the Gold League...
You might say, you only got 2 chests, what do you expect?
Well to earn those 2 chests I drained my ECR down to like 65% and lost more than I won. That's been the case over the past 2 seasons for me. So much so, that I've thought about not playing the game at all, and just renting out my cards....
But then the 'switch' took place yesterday...
And I'm not sure what happened, but the game seemed to reward me again!
I stopped earning like 4000 FP a match, and jumped back up to around 15k per win. Regardless of if I was playing the focus or not. It's been refreshing to see some progress :)
But here's the big win in my opinion....
That's actually over 20 now, but that's the screen shot I took. 24 hours of my latest focus quest and it netted me over 20 SPS!
Big deal...SPS is like 5 cents...What's that like a dollar?
Ahhhhh that's the short term thinking that is famous in crypto.
Remember, SPS is the governance token in the game. It's not only needed for voting on proposals, but it's got a ton of use case coming up as well as the token that seems to be the focus for the Splinterlands team. It got added to some major exchanges lately, and with the distribution going down with the ending of the air drop, SPS might dip in the short term but....Oh baby, I wanna stack this stuff!!!
Not bad at all for my latest focus quest rewards!
I didn't pull anything big out of that pack, but it was nice to see SPS added. I wanna accumulate as much of these as I can, and now I will earn even more from actually playing the game.
So here's my ways of generating SPS since the air drop ended:
Actually Playing The Game
If I can generate around 20 SPS a day just from playing the game. My goodness! What an awesome reward that can be from my time invested on the game!
The TribalDex Pools
I'm generating about 10 SPS a day as well from the 2 pools I'm in. It started slow, but I'm stacking those every day and that'll continue to grow over time.
Staking Within The Game
This actually went up over the past week or so lol And I don't expect it to stay at 33% forever. However this is just free money man, stake SPS and earn every day! It's getting me about 25 SPS a day or so....
So adding it all up, right now I'm generating 50-60 SPS a day from my efforts and staking in the Splinterlands eco-system. Which is about a quarter of what I was getting from the air drop, but you can't help but think...
This will continue to grow over time. And the price of SPS will not be this low forever (I hope lol)
I'm still, VERY bullish on this game and these amazing tokens in it!
Love another way to get SPS but now my DEC bag gets lower as I build my Collection. So many difficult decisions now!
Yeah man, we've got a big stash in the INDEX. Glad to see that SPS governance come to fruition too. Exciting times!
Posted using Splintertalk
I am not sure if getting SPS is better or not as we haven't seen how prices will be affected. However, it is kind of disappointing to see anywhere between 0.2 SPS to 0.3 SPS per win in Silver rank. What rank are you currently at?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Seems to be holding strong and I'm sure it'll dip again. But the potential for SPS to sky rocket, compared to DEC is what I'm looking forward to!
Im loving earning SPS right now!!
It's so cool! I mean, it's not air drop numbers, but you can see how it can grow.
That's good SPS for the day. I got about 1 for playing 12 games. It's still a lot better than Dec. Then I was getting 2-3 Dec per game, it works out about 3 cents, now I getting 5 cents !
Ahhh but what happens when SPS is 50 cents or more per token...Some even saying it'll hit a dollar. That's why I'm stacking them!
Where did you find that total of SPS made? The only place I see is in the balance history, confusingly under "unclaimed", but that only lists all the win amounts and doesn't add them for us. There has to be a better place
Apparently they are having issues with the claims and staking. I'm missing about 50 or so SPS from the past few days since the switch.
Yes it is nice to see the SPS being paid out. I netted about 7 sps for the day. This will help to start growing my staked SPS consistentently.
Oh man, it's brilliant. Just keep stacking and stacking!
Don't forget SPS rewards will soon be added to brawls too.
The Hivebuzz proposal already got important support from the community. However, it lost its funding a few days ago and only needs a few more HP to get funded again.
May we ask you to support it so our team can continue its work this year?
You can do it on Peakd, ecency, or using HiveSigner.
Your support would be really appreciated.
Thank you!Dear @jonnycoin, we need your help!