"The time that I’m most awkward about everything is when I’m crushed to someone."
I thought that the same goes for entire humanity?
"WTF did he really just say that?I am not quite sure how I feel about this..."
"I’m sorry already, I will not remember your name."
What now even my? Ok then. Where is that rope? 😝
"Next time you can ask weird questions LIVE!"
I will not be in Krakow so I guess I will have ask these questions in Hell? Unless you will come to Kaunas first.
I think your mother would disagree.
That is okay. Edit: She is religious so any attempt of saving your innocent soul from hell could be approved.
No thanks. I’m ruling this and I ain’t leaving my kingdom. And borders are closed ask Anomadsoul.
"I’m ruling this and I ain’t leaving my kingdom"
Begins devil's summoning ritual
"And borders are closed ask Anomadsoul."
According to his infiltration report I will just have to bring enough drinks to push these borders far enough to open the path.