And so is confirmed that the Empire now officially has a war criminal at the helm of the most important security service… but too far from intelligence!
Like it or not, you are living in the corporatocracy that cannot be reformed through the democratic means. Here are the first reactions:

Here is a testimony of U.S. Navy reserve doctor who evaluated Mr. Abdal Rahim al-Nashiri, Gina Haspel's torture victim. Warning: text contains some seriously disturbing details.
Then you should see this short video and what about her has to say John Kiriakou, who knew her personally, and who blew the whistle on the torture program — ending up being jailed for 23 months!
Duration: 4:43

There is really no point to divide the swamp creatures into dems and reps — they are the same. They are the swamp. Even John McCaine was against her, for a God sake!
