Crimes Of The Educators - Why You Should Unschool Your Child (with Alex Newman)

in #politics7 years ago

crimes of the educators why you should unschool your child with alex newman thumbnail.png

In this video, I sit down with author and journalist Alex Newman to talk about his book "Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's Children" which Newman co-wrote with Samuel Blumenfeld.


The blow-back of public schooling is on full display today as children grow into subservient, needy "adults", desperately demanding success instead of looking for success. A population of lazy lemmings bent on using the state's extortion apparatus in order to obtain wealth. The double-speak is Orwellian as their selfish greedy is called "fair" and the notion of working for success and trading goods for services is considered "greed".

Children are being indoctrinated to expect instead of work.

Self responsibility is the most instrumental aspect of individual liberty which is drying up and dying, to be blown by the winds of time and never seen again.

The Marxist suppression of free thought and objective views has seized the curriculum of public schools, universities and colleges today as those who disagree are called Nazis by adult children, playing with play-dough in their safe spaces.

This is either the end of humanity as we know it, or the beginning of our awakening as the absurdity grows to vast scales leading many to pull out of the school system and homeschool. Unschooling is becoming more and more popular as the state criticizes a parent's right to keep their children out of indoctrination camps.

Alex Newman does an incredible job of breaking down this problem and giving solutions.

His book 'Crimes of the Educators' has been praised by people like Dr. Ron Paul who of course authored 'The School Revolution' among many other masterpieces.

See the FULL video interview/report here:

Stay tuned for more from WAM in Bozeman, Montana at The Red Pill Expo! Don't forget to Upvote & Follow! :)

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Self-responsibility. You've hit the nail on the head there. Not only in our educational system, but self-responsibility everywhere. The police officer 'just doing his work' by shooting innocent people. Or shooting at all. The soldier in the JSF, pressing a button to drop a bomb. 'Just doing his work', he replied. Responsibility cannot be relayed to the state, or to anyone else. Only to yourself. Not even home schooling should be compulsory. No one should have anything to say about anyone else. Only that is freedom of choice.

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Which I do. Naturally. Following orders is no reason to put morals and ethics aside, and commit violence to protect opinions and threats written in law. The nazis "just followed orders", too.

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What you're saying here is that so long as it's legal you're free to kill?

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I think in essence we are both on the same side here! ;)

Tagged for reading soon!

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You bring out something unique and very informative.
People should see what it means ! The depth of your thoughts.
Thank You for sharing
Steem on@joshsigurdson

Thank you! I appreciate it :)

Keeping an eye on your future posts
God bless you @joshsigurdson

Thank you and you as well! :)

Good interview Josh. Appreciate the message. @jbcoin

Thank you! Happy to do it!

As a researcher, the mainstream education system is at the root of the mind control and issues in today's world. Those before the children aren't teachers, just gatekeeper repeaters. This line of thought is too much for some though.

Should it be called: Why you Should Remove Your Child From Indoctrination ?

Thanks for another excellent submission.

PS:// People: Appreciate the freedom to home school. There are countries in Western Europe where people go to jail and children are removed from their parents for home schooling. Germany comes to mind.

School sucks.

School sucks the creativity out of you.
School sucks the critical thinking capabilities out of you.
School sucks the natural inquisitiveness out of you.
School sucks the rebellious, adventurous nature out of you.

School teaches you to submit to authority and become dependent on it.
School teaches you to conform and be just like everyone else.

School is designed this way, it’s the foundation of a program put in place to shape and mold you into the modern day US citizen. Obedient and unquestioning with an unending urge to buy stuff.

It’s not about reading, writing and arithmetic it’s about turning out obedient citizens.

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt was a pioneer on this subject, her book Dumbing Down of America can be downloaded HERE for free.

Great interview @joshsigurdson

Upvoted and Resteemed



This is why I homeschool my children. Great article.

I'm a highschool dropout, only finished 10 grades, and I turned out great.
said Sheep humbly while browsing steem trying to make a penny

jk i'm doing fine

greed for degrees.. not for learning.. nice post.. love it

Kids are taught to be consumers to consume instead of produce. The richness lies in the ability to produce, not consume.

It is a very important subject matter!

after reading it must say something unique and different thanks for sharing

Marxism collectivesm nightmare for Humanity. I HAVE EXPERIANCE.

awesome broo....this world will be changed if this works......hope 1 day it comes

I found your topic very useful
keep going

thats amazing article​, very very very good!

Schools are FAKE EDUCATION ❗️I learned more from on the job training , and working with very talented people . The library is also a great resource that doesn't get very much attention ❓