The villagers cutting wheat crops and making bundle and the sun set time everything makes the scene more beautiful i am not the lucky one who captured it just saw it on google so shared with my fellow steemers
The villagers cutting wheat crops and making bundle and the sun set time everything makes the scene more beautiful i am not the lucky one who captured it just saw it on google so shared with my fellow steemers
뉴비는 언제나 환영!/응원!이에요.
팁! : 이 글 이야기는 아니지만, 글 쓰실땐 컨텐츠 피로도도 고려해보세요. 자주 반복되는 글을 쓰면 오히려 독자를 잃을 지도 몰라요, 사실... 제 이야기에요.
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