Magic is something we use daily. The words we speak and write is what we use to create magic. Depending on how you use it it will either be light or dark magic, therefore, it’s very important to choose your words carefully and what you wish for.
In ancient times we have used words, spellbinding and healing. Because of this many humans has been burnt and called witches. Many religions have believed that witches had a contract with the devil and was immortal and so on.
Honestly, it’s not like that, it’s far deeper than that. The knowledge these people had was something that was taught mouth to mouth because most people couldn't read or write at that time. Some were even blessed with the sight to see the future and heal with their hands. in ancient times many people seek these people out for help because of their knowledge and most of them wanted to help.
This knowledge was hidden or forgotten because of the witchhunt under 1400 - 1600 century. The knowledge got hidden or forgotten because of the fear, therefore, do not many people believe that magic exists in nowadays.
Most of us expect magic to be like the wizards and witches in Harry Potter. Honestly, it’s not far from it, only that you don't see the sparkling that the wand sends out when you're casting a spell. When you speak and when you form the words with your mouth, whenever you mean well or are angry, you send out energy to other persons, you don't even have to talk to them. You are always using it, we all are. some use it for good and others for bad.
Magic is not forbidden but it’s really powerful and you really have to be careful when you use it because it may cause you harm in some way. Especially if you use when you are mad at somebody.
The New Age community is a good example of people who use dark magic. They use it to snare you in, take control of you and manipulate you. You have to be careful when you are around these people because they will feed on your body energy which can be very exhausting, own experience, and will read you like an open book and will bend you at their will. Telling you stuff to make you trust them and so on. Never trust those people in the New Age community.
Those who use light magic are not interesting in using you for their own good. These people want to help you, make you feel good and help you stay on the right road you are heading. They do not intend to harm you but of course also here it can happen that a white magician turns dark.
Of course, there are those who are in between a.k.a the gray zone. They are not fully in the light and don't have the knowledge how to go further on their road. Some are good, some are not.
Producing magic has its goods and bads.
Just remember to always be careful what you wish for because you might receive it...
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