My Favourite Age

in HiveGhana9 months ago

I'm not grown yet but I'm growing and reflecting on all my years, I would say the best ones are the ages between 5 and 10 years. During these ages, I hardly cared about anything.

All I had to do was pay attention in school, come home, use like 5 minutes to do my homework, and set out to play football with my brothers and neighbors, eat dinner afterward, and sometimes wash dishes then head to bed.


I didn't even really care about bathing twice all the time.
I used to spend a lot of time with my brothers. I remember we used to gather in the evenings in the boy's room or the hall just to crack jokes. Each person cracks a joke and we see the one who can make everyone laugh. It was so much fun. I used to play a lot of video games with them like Vcop 2, Mortal Combat, and the likes.

School wasn't that hard; I used to score high marks on my tests without trying so hard. Christmas was extremely fun. We used to have a lot of guests and almost each of the guests gave us money when leaving because we were kids, now they don't do so anymore.

Uncles and Aunties never left the house without leaving back money or gifts.
Those were the ages when friendships weren't that hard and I didn't care about what people said. I remember when we had very clean minds and I didn't care about bathing with my brothers. We just had so much fun bathing together, and wasting the water because it was so nice.


Those were the times you received a good whooping for misbehaving, cried about it, repented for a while, and did the same thing the next day. We had time for each other and people weren't so busy.

Now, I hardly spend time with my brothers. Everyone is so busy and occupied with work and other thoughts. Times are hard and people hardly have time for each other. Social media has now replaced personal interaction and quality time.


Looking back, I realize that, times have changed, and there are memories I can't relive. I don't know if I'll get better ages as I grow but till then, these ages remain my favorite.