Uncle why?

in The Ink Well11 days ago

30 years have passed and Lucy felt it was about time to return home and relax a bit since she thought she owned a supermarket and some properties in her hometown, not knowing that the uncle (Mr Ade) gobbled everything down.

Lucy left home at the age of ten and served as a slave for 10 years, and she started hustling on her own for another 20 years, making it 30 years of intense suffering.

Lucy became an orphan at the age of eight, and her rich uncle took over her parent's belongings, she was part of the belongings, but unfortunately, the uncle wasn't who he portrayed himself to be, and Lucy got to know when it was way too late.

When Lucy turned ten the uncle called her and said "My daughter you won't stay here with me, I have a good offer for you, this family is living abroad that I would like you to join, that will help you to become a better person for yourself and your siblings" Lucy had two more siblings, a brother and a sister.

Lucy replied, "Am I not too too young?" "This is the best time." the uncle replied, "Before you turn 20, you will be an indigene, and this will help you to take your family along with you," he continued.

Lucy thought it was a good idea, and she agreed to what the uncle said.
Little did she know that her uncle was selling her out for slavery.
One Sunday morning, the family came and picked Lucy up at the airport, and they left the country for Europe.

Just a few days after arrival, it was Lucy that she was practically sold for slavery with a ten-year agreement, but she couldn't believe that her loving uncle would do so.
Ten years was like ten decades. Lucy suffered so much, but finally, after ten years, she broke free from those people, and she went to hustle on her own.

"Immediately, I set something up in my country, I will just go back because I can't continue this way." Lucy was talking to herself, she drafted a plan and worked to achieve that goal, unfortunately, she was dealing with an evil uncle.

Although there were signs, she didn't pay attention, for over 20 years, her uncle didn't call to know how she had been doing.

Gradually, Lucy started making money, she reached out to her uncle and told him her goals and how he would be the one to help her, and the uncle smiled.
Lucy sent the first money, which amounted to thousands of dollars, the uncle used Lucy's money to arrange for a vacation trip with his family, they traveled to the US for vacation, and he lavished the money.

They spent a whole month, and the villagers were surprised because tho He was a wealthy man he wasn't that wealthy, little did they know that he was gobbling Lucy's hard-earned Money.

Lucy called him to find out how the project was going, the uncle said, "My daughter, everything is going as planned. If not for being away from home, I would have shown you what I have achieved. " Lucy was very happy and worked hard to send more money.

The uncle became a celebrity in the village when he goes out he buys food and drinks for people, one day one man asks him "Who owns this money you are gobbling this way because I know if it's your money you will never gobble it this way"

He replied, "How is that your business? I think you should mind your business"
It became so obvious that the way he spent the money and how fast he spent it proved that it wasn't his money.

Poor Lucy thinks she has achieved something, preparing to come home and have some time to rest after 30 years of hard labor, "why am I still here when I have something to fall back on in my home? Let me go" Lucy concluded.

The uncle went as far as sending her fake pictures of houses and businesses he had established with her Money

She didn't inform her uncle that she was coming home, she wanted it to be a surprise, she sent the last money she had saved for the completion of the project.

Lucy arrived and met her uncle with some men in a restaurant, the people sitting with the uncle said, "Is that not your sister approaching?" He said, "Which of my sister?" "Lucy they replied " he rushed the drink and food, and he became confused because he wasn't expecting Lucy so soon.
From his gesture, it was obvious that he wasn't happy to see Lucy and wasn't expecting to see her.

Lucy said to him, "Uncle, why do I have the feeling that you are not excited about seeing me?

"How? I am happy" he started stammering.
"Please where is my house? Let me move my things in" Lucy asked.


The uncle's wife has never been in support of what the uncle has been doing, so immediately she spoke up saying "Lucy there is no house, am so sorry but I tried to contact you to inform you to stop sending money to your uncle but he didn't permit me"

"He spent all the money you gave him on food and drinks; he eats like a thief, which is what he is," Lucky's uncle's wife continues.
Lucy broke down in tears, she didn't know what to say, she thought she was dreaming, she was disappointed.

When people gathered to question the uncle, he said "I couldn't bear seeing my brother's children be more wealthy than my children" I thought she would have died as a slave over there.

The villagers involved the police because they didn't know what next to do.
The police came and got him arrested.


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This is a pure act of wickedness.

Arrest is not enough even. Wickedness and jealousy are at their peak here. Lucy also has a large share of the blame. Why would she trust a person who sold her in the past? Pheewww

Another episode of stories that touch. Well done.

Sad reality of life, enemies of progress!