Fake Pancake Ads on Google

in LeoFinance3 years ago


Recently I've noticed fake ads in search engines targeting PancakeSwap users.

I believe once you click their link, it presents you with identical website, where you give them permission to interact with your assets.

If it happens with PancakeSwap, it might happen with other sites as well, so please take a good look what do you click.

Here is official PancakeSwap tweet warning about it:

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This needs to be flagged ! Google links or any links are threat to users.

I think it is gone now, but I am pretty sure it will resurface targeting other sites.

VERY important article!
Thanks! Will rehive it!


You are welcome!

Actually it also happens with other services - ie government phone numbers.
There is a website that in theory offers you recording your call at premium rate - let's say £2 per minute. They advertise as one of the govt numbers regarding "something". So you search for ie "uk self employment contact number" and their ad shows up on the first place with description being similar to what you would expect.

You call that number, they connect you to the proper number (so you can talk without suspecting anything) but charge you £2 per minute. My wife fell victim to this scheme and there was nothing we could do about - the phone company said it is legit business and our fault - 30£ down the drain :(

Thanks for notifying us. We will be more careful on that site.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

looks like a top. so many scams are out