Pravljenje betonskih stepenica za ulazna vrata - Making concrete stairs for front doors

in Construction3 years ago

Dozvolite da vam prikazem danasnji rad,betonske poluktuzne stepenice za ulazna vrata.

Let me show you today's work, concrete semi-circular stairs for the front door.


Danasnji posao i radni zadatak bio mi je da osmislim i napravim polu kruzne stepenice za ulazna vrata u kucu.Posto su vrata sirine 1,40m toliko ce da bude sirok i gornji stepenik,dok ce donji biti za 60cm siri da bi se dobilo gaziste stepenika od 30cm.Posto je visina od poda do vrata 50cm visina stepenika bice 25cm.Kada sam sve izracunao poceo sam da ocrtavam na podu i temelju kuce.Nakon merenja i ocrtavanja mere sam preneo na drvenu tanku sper plocu koju cu da postavim na pod kao model,kalup koji cu da napunim sa betonom i dobiti prvi stepenik.Postavio sam kalup i okolo njega naredjao cigle kako bi drzao beton dok se ne prosusi i stegne.Isekao sam armaturu debljine 14mm na vise razlicitih duzina,od 30cm do 100cm od svake duzine po 20 komada.Izbusio sam sa hilti-jem rupe od 12mm po podu i temelju kuce gde cu sa cekicem ukucati armaturu kako bih ojacao beton sa kojim cu da ispunim stepenik kako bi bio jaci i cvrsci.Kako bih dodatno ojacao stepenik u kalup izmedju armature stavio sam i nekoliko vecih prirodih kamena.Kada je sve bilo spremno poceo sam da pravim beton u mesalici za beton u razmeri 1:3 sto znaci na jednu lopatu cementa dodavao sam tri lopate sljunka.Polako malo po malo i izlio sam prvi stepenik.Evo i slika kako to izgleda.

Today's job and work task was to design and make a semi-circular staircase for the front door of the house. Since the door is 1.40 m wide, the upper step will be wide, while the lower step will be 60 cm wider to get a 30 cm step tread. Since the height from the floor to the door is 50 cm, the height of the stairs will be 25 cm. When I calculated everything, I started drawing on the floor and the foundation of the house. After measuring and drawing the measurements, I transferred them to a wooden thin plywood board, which I will place on the floor as a model, a mold that I will fill with concrete and get the first step. I set up a mold and ordered bricks around it to hold the concrete until it dried and tightened. I cut 14 mm thick reinforcement into several different lengths, from 30cm to 100cm from each length of 20 pieces. I drilled 12mm holes in the floor and foundation of the house with a hilt, where I will hammer in reinforcement to strengthen the concrete with which I will fill the steps to make it stronger and stronger. To further strengthen the step in the mold between the reinforcement, I put a few larger natural stones. When everything was ready, I started making concrete in a concrete mixer in a ratio of 1: 3, which means I added three shovels of gravel to one shovel of cement. Slowly, little by little, I poured out the first step. Here's a picture of what it looks like.






Posle dva do tri sata kada se beton malo stegao i prosusio izbusio sam jos rupa u temelju kuce za vezivanje gornjeg stepenika. U probusene rupe sam ukucao armaturu kao i u donji stepenik i izmedju dodao jos prirodnog kamena da se sve veze jos bolje. Postavio sam kalup za gornji stepenik i uvezao ga armirackom zicom kako se ne bi pomerao dok se puni sa betonom. Ponovo sam pravio beton u istoj razmeri 1:3 i punio gornji stepenik. A kako sada izgleda kada je i gornji stepenik napunjen izvolite pogledati fotografije.

After two to three hours when the concrete had hardened a bit and dried, I drilled more holes in the foundation of the house to tie the top step. I hammered reinforcement into the drilled holes as well as the lower step and added more natural stone in between to make all the connections even better. I placed a mold for the upper step and tied it with reinforcing wire so that it would not move while filling with concrete. I made concrete again in the same scale 1: 3 and filled the upper step. And what it looks like now that the upper step is full, please take a look at the photos.






Iskreno se nadam da vam se svidja moj rad i da sam uspeo da vam sto bolje docaram radnje deo po deo sve do finisa. Svi opisani radovi su mojih ruku delo takodje i fotografije licno uslikane. Hvala svima na izdvojenom vremenu do sledeceg post-a budite mi zivi i zdravi.

I sincerely hope that you like my work and that I managed to convey the work to you as much as possible, piece by piece, all the way to the finish. All the described works are the work of my hands as well as the photographs taken personally. Thank you all for your time until the next post, stay alive and healthy.


Pozdrav od vašeg Filipa, uživajte. 🇷🇸
Greetings from your Filip, enjoy. 🇺🇸