about the health of plants or vegetables from eggplant

Hello, beloved hive friends, on this occasion I will discuss about vegetables that are good for the body, let's just talk about this one vegetable.

Takokak, tekokak or eggplant are plants from the eggplant tribe whose fruits and seeds are used as vegetables or seasonings. Names in international trade are not standard, some of which are turkey berry or mini-eggplant. Other names in the regions are jungle and tekokak.

The eggplant is a kind of small green side dish and it is very easy to find and grows evenly.

Eggplant or scientific name Solanum Torvum which is a type of plant that is widely found in tropical forests.

Apart from its delicious taste, it has many amazing health benefits;

  1. Best for weight loss
    Eggplant is rich in fiber and one of the benefits of fiber is the best for losing excess weight.
    In addition, eggplant is very low in calories.

  2. Good for the heart
    Studies show that eggplant is rich in important minerals and one of them is potassium.
    Potassium controls the amount of sodium in the blood which is good for the heart and reduces high blood pressure.

  1. Treating anemia
    In addition to potassium, iron and zinc are two types of minerals found in eggplant.
    Individuals suffering from anemia have a deficiency of iron and zinc.

  2. Reduce the risk of diabetes
    Eggplant is very good in controlling blood sugar levels.

  3. Best for the brain
    Maybe not liked by children because of its slightly smelly texture and smell, but eggplant is said to be one of the superfoods for the brain.

  1. Good for skin
    Eggplant has vitamins C and E which are indeed antioxidants that are important in increasing collagen production so that the skin remains healthy and young.

  2. Contains antibacterial agents
    This is why eggplant is used in traditional treatment to treat diarrhea and various other infections in the stomach.

  3. Natural treatment for gout
    Eggplant has anti-inflammatory substances that can wash uric acid out of the body.
    So it is able to reduce the effects of gout.

  4. Improve blood flow
    Because it is rich in essential minerals, eggplant is very nutritious in improving blood flow.
    Good blood flow can supply oxygen throughout the tubes better.
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  5. Traditional treatment for cough
    Eggplant is cooked in soup to relieve coughs and colds.

  6. Avoid kidney problems
    Studies show that eating eggplant can reduce the risk of kidney problems. However, additional studies need to be done to support this statement.

  7. Improve the menstrual cycle
    Eating eggplant is said and proven to improve the menstrual cycle for women.

  1. Good for pregnancy
    Eggplant is good for pregnant women because it is rich in folate. Folate is very important in fetal development.
    So, for those who want to lose weight, you can start consuming this eggplant in your diet menu.

those are some of the good excuses from those vegetables that are rich in benefits for the body, so my discussion and explanation on the blog this time hopefully will be useful for all of us. look forward to my blog about health from plants or vegetables. see you in the next post.


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Nice place to grow plants, and also for herbs. Thank you