Wisdom And Lessons From Around The World 04: Contentment is an inexhaustible treasure.

in GEMS3 years ago

Hello friends, I hope you are doing well.


“What can be added to the happiness of a man who is in health, out of debt, and has a clear conscience?”

-Adam Smith-

Many of us have experienced the feeling of disappointment when he fails to reach what he wished for or what he aspired to reach, although if he looked closely at what he had achieved or what he possessed, he would find many wonderful things that are enough to make him happy for the rest of his life.

Indeed, a person’s life without ambition to achieve better than what he has achieved is meaningless, but a person should not lose his enjoyment of what he has achieved because there are millions of people who have not been able to reach what they have reached.

Satisfaction with what you have makes your life taste while complaining and wishing to reach what others have reached, or owning what they owned, your life will upset you and you will spend your life as if you did not live.

Have a great day.

Until next time.


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