Introducing @Master.Splinter to 1UP, SPT, & HivePizza

in 1UP3 years ago

Many of you know me from my @ELAmental account, but today I am here to introduce myself on my gaming/play2earn curation account - @Master.Splinter. I decided to create a sperate account for gaming topics specifically due to the high volume of required voting, and to not distort the activism, music, art, and cannabis content frequently published on my main account.

Ninja Turtles reference (the mutated turtle's martial arts and spiritual philosphy teacher - the mutated rat). So not only do the Ninja TurtlesSplinter-mastership.I came up with the account name @Master.Splinter for fairly obvious reasons, but for those of you unaware, the name is a love PIZZA - #hivepizza reference - but the name itself has a strong Splinterlands tie - impying

master.splinter  NEW.jpg

I will be posting everything splinterlands and blockchain gaming related on this account, and I have some interesting strategies to share including harnessing Untamed packs to my future-advantage most effectivly. After the regular sale of Chaos Legion completes, you can expect to start seeing many pack-opening posts on here, along with some #battle posts if/when I actually get some extra time to play more actual games.

The main purpose of this account is curation - mainly for #oneup, but also for #spt and #hivepizza as my stakes in those realms continue to increase. Whenever I earn any of these tokens, if I am not powering them up, they are going strait to the liquidty pool for furture staking. It's all stake right now on this account, as I see the abundant future of all these projects, and am honered to help spread the rewards, and to be a part of these amazingly synergistic gaming communities.

A HUGE thank you to @Flauwy & @KennysKitchen / @kennysgaminglife - for not only our continuous support of each other over the years, but more importantly for our friendship. I imagine our partnerships are currently manifesting into some seriously amazing future-building, especially in this #blockchaingaming space. Here we grow!



Blockchain gaming R&D post referenced in the video

Funny how my friends as a kid never let me be a turtle and instead told me i could be splinter. Love the artwork. Who made it?

I assume by art you mean the original background image to my collage here... and tbh, I have no idea, but have been trying to figure it out. I think its a page from one of the older Ninja Turtles comics, lmk if you can determine the original source/artist. Here is the link where I sourced the image

 3 years ago  

Super happy to have you onboard with 1UP and soon more projects to come!

Stoked to be a part of it all brotha. Make sure to keep me updated with anything and everything moving forward. Getting ready for the best year of our lives - 2022.

AHA! I know it's you all along Master I asked @flauwy long time ago. Please shower us your knowledge in Splinterlands and other Blockchain games. Do you have tips for OP cards to rent there?

I rent everything I possibly can at all times. Big strikers like B.kitty and Yodin Zaku are great for passive rentals AND using in battles. Win-win, but also expensive-expensive. Right now just concentrate on prepairing for pack purchases of the regular sale in Chaos Legion - the set will sell out super fast (48 hours max is my estimate).

I may be wrong, but I think that the Chaos Packs will sell out VERY, VERY fast.

People already saw how the old packs increased in value after a while; it's not difficult to think that there are lots of investors with their pockets full of money waiting to buy the packs to sit on them for 6-12 months and resell for a hefty profit.


Oh yea they will go quick - less than 48hrs is my guess, likely even sooner than that though. I feel it.

Thank you for sharing your ideas master splinter. Damn 48 hours thats nuts! Hope to grab some of those chaos legion packs. Rooting for more of your updates and insights master.

Glad to know about you. Thanks for sharing😊

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I too am a massive Ninja Turtles fan. Love playing the Splinterlands game. Like you, I made a separate account for my blockchain gaming activities but I did it by accident :-)
Your intro post is cooler than mine, you also picked up a new follower :-)

The name is perfect man, gotta love some Ninja Turtles references.


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@master.splinter! The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.