This Story only got ONE thing right.

in #discussion7 years ago

Trump is smarter than the media
President Trump Distracts Journalists

Everything in the story by the Guardian is WRONG.
Check the facts...they haven't.
The story is NOT newsworthy except for the fact that they admit that Trump is playing them like a guitar.


When the difference between IQ's is a large one, the 'stupid end' can't even comprehend the existence of 'the cleverer end' IQ's, existing....

Journalist think that THEY are the smart ones.

the clever know how stupid they are....

the stupid KNOW how clever they are... lol

Journalists must be easily distracted, maybe if they spent less time trying to MAKE news about how many scoops of ice cream Trump gets, or how he shakes hands they'd be able to fit some actual news into their broadcasts.

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