OUR 3rd GIVEAWAY: Start a Meetup group in your city!
- Your new group name must be cryptocurrency-related ("Crypto Chicago" or "Blockchain Bangkok" for example).
- DON'T start a Meetup group in your city if it's redundant to an existing one there.
- Your first Meetup must be titled "Blockchains & Cryptocurrencies 101"
- Be sure to set related "Topics" (tags/categories) to your group such as BitShares, steem, steemit, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Digital Currency, etc so that your group can be found easier in search results.
- Invite as many people as possible (mainstream media, social media, etc).
- Get at least 8 people to physically attend your Meetup (your Meetup group's page will show the profiles of attendees) before the Deadline below.
- Only one reward per person per city per Meetup group is allowed, and cities must be at least 100km apart.
- Proof link/url must be posted in the Agorise telegram group t.me/Agorise.
It's wise to choose a QUIET, centrally-located, free-WiFi-enabled coffee shop or restaurant for your first Meetup. Greet everyone who attends, and thank them for coming.
Agorise will send you 1000 BTS (AN $800 VALUE!).
Offer ends Monday, January 22 at 1300 UTC. Rewards will be sent out this day.
Note: 20 Meetup groups maximum (a maximum of 20,000 BTS will be sent out) in this giveaway.
fyi, the next payout won't be this big, so setup your Meetup groups today!
Re-Steem and Sharing this post on other social media networks gets you a 100% Upvote, so thank you again for spreading the word. It's time the world started learning about Steem and Bitshares! :)
Peace, Love, and Agorism.
ohhhhhh nice and I was only talking to someone about running a meetup....
Meetups are so much fun and you get to meet so many other like-minded people, so go for it @paulag! :)
Just created my meetup! Thanks guys! https://www.meetup.com/Crypto-Minneapolis-St-Paul/events/246491840/
BOOYA!! Now that's what I'm talking about! This is what it's all about you guys, gotta get out there and work it! There is no better way to educate others about crypto and take it viral. Actually sitting down with someone and showing them, having a coffee together, etc. Meetups baby, Meetups!! :)
Upvoted 100%
I sent a message about the contest to Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sevilla.ivanova/posts/1954799971504628?pnref=story
to see in kencode post about it just now i see this post and i m exciting to know it and i also @resteemd it
hope it will be very famous with this fantastic plan resteemd and follown you now
1 hour from now the 50 BTS giveaway ends (as mentioned in the Telegram group). The 20 Meetup groups have been formed as of about 5min ago:
Thank you to everyone who has participated so far! :)
Meetup groups are the ultimate grass-roots effort in bringing crypto to the masses.
i am looking forward to hear some good results !!
although I couldn't participate for the time being, I would love to do so at any time in the future if the circumstances are likely :)
hi ken, i saw the spreadsheet, 10 out of 20 groups are from russia. it's a shame we don't have a group representing the philippines.
Form your Meetup group now, because in a couple of weeks we will have another giveaway for group organizers like yourself, so get the word out! You have to join us in the telegram group for the details though:
Good luck @hardinero007 :)
@agorise I will put in my best efforts forth to do what I can to meet the guidelines in this post. Thanks for a positive way of building and rewarding at the same time.
Thank you @naturalguy for helping us to bring crypto to the world! :)
I resteemed before reading about it! Goooood idea to host meetups! I will soon, I first need to go to the dentist lol ;)
I sent a message about the contest to
What a fantastic way to spread the word! Resteemed :)
wonderull idea and also we want to participate in and sure i @resteem it now to forward it to everyone @resteemd and following
Super. Resteemed.
I would like to arrange a meetup, but in my village will come only cows :)
Hey, cows deserve freedom too, right?

It would be a good idea to giveaway some of the BTS at the meetup. This would encourage people to go and also bootstrap them with free crypto.
Exactly :)
I actualy had this idea together with a friend of mine after meeting some people that are on steem in the area, we have not set up a meeting page and that yet but we do have a location :)
Arnhem already is one of the worlds biggest bitcoin cities and has a bitcoin specific meet up, but no cryptocurrency meet ups yet.
Ill see if we can get it set up before the dead line, where both huge fans of both bitshares and steemit.
Be sure to join us in the telegram group so you can be notified of the next giveaway and get credit for your awesome work! :)
Thanks allot, i joined the telegram :)
Oh and is there any link with more info on STEALTH?
Than i can use it for my article:
Welcome! :)
As for Stealth, we posted about it a few times on our @Agorise blog so hope those links help a bit. Great work @edolascrypto! :)
What a great way to make people communicate outside the platform.
Even though I'm a new little bird on steemit that doesn't know anything at all.
It's still sweet to hear that people care about the platform and try to make the experience for the community more fruitful!
Very cool idea. :)
We have the second meeting in Bangalore India - and I am one of the speakers. So just missed the lottery!
No worries bobinson, we will have another giveaway very soon in the Agorise telegram group:
sure - in any case what matters is the meetups more than the give aways itself. Thank you!
Indeed. This is a grass-roots effort to bring crypto to the masses :)
Hey Ken, I'm not so much the public speaker, but I Upvoted and Resteemed to support as always. :-)
yeah we also want to participate it and famousity of this so i also @upvote and @resteemed it now
hey sir now i want to make part of this participation therefor i RESTEEMED AND UPVOTE
I think I could join to this contest since I set a meet up this coming January 07 look at my post how many are interested sir.
but sad I don't have bts account.
meetup is created https://www.meetup.com/Tallaght-Cyrpto-Meetup/events/dnrkfpyxcbzb/
Looks great paulag! :)
Don't forget to set a location on the Meetup so everyone knows how to get there.
Next month, we can further discuss the Blockchain My City (BMC) Initiative mentioned earlier. This way the crypto point of sale systems can pay Ambassadors and others automatically. The giveaways are nice, but automation is better.. A much easier way to get crypto to the masses.
Good luck and just let us know if you need anything at all! :)
Resteemed and upvoted.
Thanx Bill! :)
a very good post and I will follow you always @agorise And I will always support. Thank you
created my meetup today! Thanks guys!https://www.meetup.com/Graphene-Blockchain-Vancouver-Meetup/events/pzmnfpyxcbbc/
Reschedule to Thursday Jan 18, 2018 8:30pm-10:00pm
There is no my city on https://secure.meetup.com. How to be? What to do?
This is really exciting. I am resteeming this to my 650 followers.