Celebrating with a beer and a book after art completed!

in #beer3 years ago

Today I am celebrating with a book and a beer after I completed the artwork and setup for our sign business.

Last week I posted a proof of a sign that I was making for a local peanut business. Well, on Friday they asked me to come up with some more stuff, including banners. The first sign signs below is a regular 18x24 inch sign.

The following two are banners that are to be hanged up across a barn, displayed for the owner's business. They are both approximately 3ft x 7ft in length. While mildly basic, they say exactly what the owner wanted portrayed.

These two, seen below, are the banners. The second banner has two options (the owner chose the second choice):

This third choice is two banners that are to be hanged up outside the farmer's market here in town. They are approximately 2ft x 18ft in length. They just decided to open up their market for weekends, even though it has predominately been a Wednesday market for over 25 years.

So in celebration, here is me drinking some suds this afternoon while reading a new book about writing. The first beer is a coffee porter called Matte Black (brew hub brewery) and the second is a black 'n' tan beer, containing matte black and a local brew which the bartender forgot to mention. The book, "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lamott, was suggested by Director and writer Judd Apatow of Superbad fame, so I thought I'd give it a shot. It drives home the idea, at least so far, that if you want to be successful in writing, you just have to start. Whether what you write in the beginning is crap or phenomenal, the first step is to just get started and go for it. You might trash everything you write, but maybe one sentence you write can end up being the thesis to everything else you write for a particular project. I highly suggest this book, because its quite good so far.

Cheers and happy reading and happy art-ing!
